Chapter 6 Breakthroughs

Within the Myriad Sky Sect, to the uninformed observer, an odd scene occurred every day. Numerous children from as young as 12 to as old as 16 could be seen running round a running track as they hefted boulders. Twice a day, every day this happened, they'd run and run for hours on end it was truly a peculiar sight to behold.

"Haa, haa, you're getting slower Zion." Ye Chen muttered tiredly.

"Haa, I could.....say the same about you!" Zion replied with as much energy as he could muster.

This was their 18th day in the Sect, and despite that the training hadn't gotten any easier. While their body's had indeed gotten marginally stronger, none of them had managed to breakthrough as of yet so their gains were minimal.

'Is that special lunch?' Ye Chen mused as he "saw" a plate filled with beast meat in front of him. 'But I thought special lunch was later in the week?' He pondered, seeing the food his pace quickened. Zion's pace also increased in tandem with Ye Chen's his expression mildly irritated.

'I won't fall behind!' He roared inwardly, pushing his body more than he'd ever pushed it before. Unfortunately the allure of food also drove Ye Chen forward, causing him to speed up even more. Which in turn caused Zion to push himself further.

As these two raced round the track, the other disciples could only watch on in shock. Those two had already run for over 5 hours, breaking their previous record, which in all fairness they'd broken every day since setting it. But the abnormality was that rather than slowing down, they were speeding up.

They simply couldn't understand it. "Monstrous....." Xiao Mei muttered, she herself was considered a monster among the 28, but no matter how hard she tried she had difficulty surpassing 4 hours. Besides herself Oscar and Diana could run just shy of 4 fours, which was already impressive compared to the 3 hour average of the other disciples.

"Who do you think is going to breakthrough first?" Wang Tian asked Alfred. The two were watching the disciples from a distance away while having a quick snack.

"Honestly I have no idea. They're both talented and evidently determined, but its clear that Ye Chen seems to have an edge. He always ever so slightly outperforms Zion, as far as I've seen not once has Zion definitively beaten him. So I'd guess Ye Chen." Alfred gave his unbiased analysis, to which Wang Tian simply nodded.

The Body Tempering Realm was the most straightforward Realm, with the right technique and adequate effort you'd breakthrough. At least this was the case on the surface, the main difference between Zion and Ye Chen as compared to the others was their breathing efficiency. This meant that, not only did they circulate the Iron Body Technique more precisely, but they would keep it constantly circulating instead of breaking the chain accidentally.

"...Ye Chen, that will be the case probably." Wang Tian murmured, and then all of a sudden two distinct cracking sounds resounded.



Simultaneously Ye Chen and Zion ran faster than ever before, almost as though the previous 5 hours of running was 5 seconds instead and the boulders were merely pebbles. "HAHAHAHA!" Zion roared immediately aware of what happened, Ye Chen on the other hand was confused as ever.

'What was that feeling, and where did the food go? Actually why do I feel so light, and my legs, they're moving so fast.' Ye Chen thought in confusion until it clicked. "I AM TOO GOOD!" The boy celebrated.

Hearing the sound, and seeing the two speed up, the other disciples could barely process what was going on. "They must have reached Body Tempering Stage 1." Diana assumed clearing up the doubts held by most disciples.

Naturally they couldn't believe it. Cultivators had always been supreme existences, untouchable to them but now 2 people they knew, who were also their age, had become Body Tempering Realm cultivators.

"Fuck this, I am gonna breakthrough too!" A disciple declared before running round the track, and soon the rest followed him. Normally after the 3 hours of running they'd take a break until lunch and then continue training after but now they had a resurgence of motivation.

Seeing was believing after all, and if they had any hidden doubts originally now they fully believed they could achieve their dreams of cultivating. Sure were Zion and Ye Chen better than them, yes, but that didn't mean they couldn't work harder.

"Seems you were right." Wang Tian said happily.

"What can I say, I am very observant." Alfred chuckled unable to hide his joy.

Both of them were delighted seeing their disciples' progress, in particular this moment felt as though it was the first step or brick which would form the Myriad Sky Sect's long history.

"Well we've observed for long enough. On a side note, I went to Heaven's Bell and some nearby cities and you wouldn't believe how much we can make with the 4 Beast Cores." Wang Tian explained, pausing momentarily.

"....Okay how much." Alfred replied.

"Finally I thought you were never going to ask. Well its 80 Spirit Stones." Wang Tian revealed, much to Alfred's shock.

"80? Does that mean a single Lesser Foundation Beast Core is selling for 20? Are they made out of money?!" Alfred was in disbelief, either way it was good news for them but Alfred still found it a bit fishy.

"To be fair we didn't take into consideration how little Foundation Realm cultivators there really are in this Kingdom, I'd be willing to bet its no more than 100." Wang Tian explained causing Alfred to calm down somewhat.

"That is true, in that case I'll get started on selling the beast corpses, while they won't rot in the Spatial Ring I am sure its taking up a lot of space, and then in 12 days I'll head to Heaven's Bell." Alfred decided.

"All right great, don't worry it only took me around half a day so it might take you a day there and back." Wang Tian added before the two went their separate ways each with their own tasks to attend to.

"I'll need to speed up my research on the Myriad Sky Cultivation Method." Wang Tian mumbled to himself.

"Damn I am hungry!" Ye Chen's voice sounded out from afar breaking the Sect Master's thought process.

"Why is that fool, out of all the disciples number 1." He sighed, barely containing his laughter, now Wang Tian was sure that he had chosen the right path.