Chapter Twenty Five

“Huh? Arwyn, what’re these? necklaces? frames? boomerangs?” asked Arran,

“No, it’s a weapon, look!” answered Arwyn,

He directly threw four of those Chakrams at those pirates one by one as an excited boy threw four frisbees and a brave ninja threw four shurikens,

and at the same time, running & diving aside urgently, while other pirates dodged those Chakrams, soon, whenever two of those Chakrams lodged in a pirate’s right chest and an other pirate’s forehead one by one, both of them fell to the floor,

“Aha!” said Arran with surprise,

He directly picked up many Chakrams and threw them at the rest pirates one by one with braveheart, soon, whenever one of those Chakrams lodged in a pirate’s neck and other one lodged in a pirate’s left chest, both of the pirates fell to the floor,

Then at that instant, a pirate took a dagger out of the crack of the sleeve of his shirt and pointed it at Arwyn who was also busy throwing Chakrmas at those other pirates,