Chapter Twenty Six

Chai Son looked at the closed door of the cabin,

“All right, Erity, you said that you can take the cursed blue pearl to me, so this is your chance to prove it!” yelled he with a voice of greed,

As soon as he finished yelling, the door opened wildly, then at that instant, abruptly, a wild, poisonous green gust flew out of the open door and directly dove into the water,

then while all those humans in those three ships gazed at the water, soon, all of a sudden,

a gorgeous mermaid of Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Siamese, Cambodian, Filipina, Indonesian, Malay, and Burmese descent revealed her appearance,

she had long, silken, straight raven hair, two chocolate diamondlike sweet dark brown eyes, and a fin covered with mint green scales,

her breasts were also covered with mint green scales forming into the shape of two seashells, and she wore a necklace made of