Then raising his body from the bloody damn hard stone ground not only directly but also barely, when he picked up the new golden Xiphos from the pile of weapons next to the table,
through the well-polished blade like a long hand mirror, he could see that Erity rushed to him at biteneck speed,
And soon, when she stopped behind him, directly baring her poisonous fangs, she opened her mouth to bite his neck, but at that instant,
-‘closing his eyes, he turned his body to her, directly soaring in the air, he wielded the sword to her neck, as soon as the blade cut her neck, her head and her body were separated from each other,
And while her head instantly rolled away to the nearby pile of jewelries made of platinum and emeralds, soon, the body with no head wielded its fingernails in the air with fury,
but soon, as soon as she fell into the nearby deep, wide crack on the corner of the stone ground-’59