he picked up a ‘Mizrak’61 from the pile of weapons next to him, and at that instant, those six skeleton pirates still in one file also ran out of the hole and directly rushed to him,
but at that instant, he rammed the point of the spearhead of the Mizrak into the center of the pelvis of the pirate in front of those five pirates,
Therefore like six pieces of meats & vegetables for making a skewer of Turkish ‘Kebab’62 in the future,
as soon as the spearhead and half of the stick of the Mizrak lodged in the center of the pelvises of all those skeleton pirates at once,
dropping those spears to the stone ground, those skeleton pirates all struggled to pull the Mizrak out of their bones,
and at the same time, still holding the handle of the Mizrak tight, he shouted at Forest and Arwyn,
“Now it’s time to blow these wild savagelike skeleton pirates to that wall!”
Therefore instantly running to him, Forest and Arwyn grasped the rest part of the stick of the Mizrak,