Get together.

"For your information, I'm Janice, Calvin Hart’s fianceé and you have been going out with him recently and that pisses me off." She said.

"Janice?" I asked in surprise. How did she know my place of work? Why is she saying rubbish to me right now?

"Calvin already broke up with you." I said.

"And you think you can replace me?" She asked.

"I am not replacing anyone." I said firmly.

"Then stay away from him. Stay away from my fiancé, I don’t want to see you around him ever again." She said.

"You are not in any place to order me around. Calvin and I are just friends." I stated.

"My Calvin cannot be friends with a mere children’s doctor." She said scornfully.

"Well you're just a mere model, nothing compared to him." I said and she frowned.

"I don’t want you anywhere near him, or else I will make sure to teach you a lesson you will never forget in a hurry." She said and walked out.

I took a deep breath and slumped on my chair. Gosh, that was a lot to take in.