I like you.

"Yeah it is." He said.

"Wow! Congrats Hailey." Darcie said.

"Thanks Barry." I said with a smile and he nodded.

"Hailey, you've got to teach me how to make these cupcakes." Valerie said

"Of course." I said.

After the get together, I saw them off to their cars.

"Bye Hailey." Valerie said and gave me a side hug. They all did. I waved at them.

"Um.. Hailey I'm so sorry, I won't be able to help you clean up. Dad wants me home right now." Darcie said with a sad pout.

"It's alright babe, I'll handle it myself." I said with a smile. She embraced me.

"So sorry." She said.

"No worries." I said and we disengaged from each other. "Good night." I said.

"Goodnight. Goodnight Calvin." She said with a wide smile.

"Goodnight." Calvin said. She got into her car and drove off. I turned to Calvin.

"Aren’t you going home yet? It's getting late." I said.

"I want to drop you off." He said.

"But I'm not going home yet. I want to clean up for tomorrow." I said.