I am going to be a father.

"Oh my gosh really? That's good news." I said with a wide smile, staring at her. "But why are you so sad about it? It's Barry’s right?" I asked and she looked at me.

"Of course it's his… and that is why I'm really scared." She said. I really don’t understand what she meant. If it's Barry’s child then it's a good thing right? I mean he's her boyfriend. "Hailey I know that I should be celebrating right now but I can’t." she said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well because I don’t think Barry wants a baby, at least, not now." She said.

"Did he tell you that himself?" I asked.

"No, but it feels that way. Like, we've been dating for over three years but he has not said a thing about us having a family together. I just think he is not ready yet. And this pregnancy, what if he gets upset or rejects the baby?" She asked.