Will you marry me?

I woke up feeling a bit weak. I used my hand to search for Barry on the bed but he wasn't beside me. I opened my eyes and looked around.

"Babe." I called but there was no response. I stood up and felt a bit dizzy. I walked to the bathroom and back to the room. Where is he? It's just eight in the morning. He doesn't go to work on Sundays except there was an emergency. Wait, was there an emergency?

I saw a piece of paper there at the bed side drawer. I took it and read the note.

"Good morning babe. You were sleeping soundly so I didn't want to disturb you. I actually left the house. If you are done freshening up, go to the driver. I already told him where to take you. Love you."

Where to take me? Why didn't he wake me up? And where did he go this early?