That night.

"Ba…be." Hailey called sleepily.

"What is it?" I asked feeling her temperature. It was not as hot as before but she was still hot.

"Why did you stop?" She asked and I sighed.

"I thought you were already asleep." I said.

"I was, until you stopped." She said.

"How did you know I stopped when you were already asleep?" I asked.

"Ba…be." She drawled.

"Ok, ok, I won’t stop this time, go back to sleep." I said and pecked her. I continue patting her hair again and she shut her eyes. Silly girl.

Later, the contractor came and Ryder led him inside.

"Good morning sir." He said.

"Shh." I shushed him and he glanced at Hailey who was sleeping.

"Sorry sir." He whispered and I gestured for him to sit down. We talked in hushed tunes. I signed all the necessary documents and he left.

After sometime, I gently carried Hailey to her room and tucked her in.