She is not a good friend.


I was really not comfortable with the way Darcie was staring and winking at me without Eric’s notice. I stood up.

"I have to go now." I said.

"Really?… Is it because of me?" She asked. Of course, you she-devil.

"Not at all, I just have to take care of Hailey. She must be quite bored right now." I said with a false smile.

"It's alright, I will talk to you later." Eric said.

"Yeah, bye." I said and scuttled out of the house to my car. I wonder what Darcie is up to. She is already Eric’s girlfriend, why does she still want me? And more so, Hailey is her best friend. How can she think of betraying her? I guess she had not be sincere to Hailey from the onset of their friendship, and Hailey on the other hand, loves and trust her a lot.

I arrived at the house and got down from the car. I saw another car that is not Hailey’s.

"Whose car is this?" I asked Ryder.

"It's ma’am Valerie’s." He said.

"Oh okay." I said and walked pass him to the house.