
"It is good my son has come back to his senses to replace you with a more deserving person. Welcome to the family Darcie." She said with a smile and walked in. I was left in shock. I expected her to scold him but.. she is happy about it? I heard Darcie laugh and I turned to her.

"Isn't this interesting… were you expecting her to support you?" She laughed again. "She hates you Hailey. Are you not aware of that? Your husband's mother despises you." Darcie said.

"Get her out now." Calvin voiced.

"I will leave baby, see you soon." She said and blew him a kiss before picking up her purse and walking to her car. She drove out like she owned the place. The securities went back to their duty post.

"Hailey I'm…" I raised up my hand for him to stop. I stared at him.

"You've finally done what your mum wants of you.. and she is so happy and proud now, right?" I asked sadly.