.. we are pregnant.


I woke up to see myself on the bed. How dare he touch me with those filthy hands of his? I looked side ways to see him sleeping soundly. I sat up moving far from him. Looking at him right now just gets me angry. I was about to stand up when I got dizzy and fell back on the bed. I slowly stood up this time and made for the bathroom as I felt nauseated. I threw up. I knew it was the symptoms.

I washed up my face and flushed the toilet. I turned to shut the door and I saw Calvin leaning by the doorframe.

"Are you alright?" He asked but I ignored him and held the door. He got the message and left sadly. I shut the door and had my bath. I walked out afterwards and dressed up. I walked to the kitchen. I started preparing breakfast, although I was feeling kind of dizzy. The maids helped me throughout.

"Good morning sir." They greeted and I knew Calvin was here.

"Excuse us." He said to them.

"No stay." I said to them.