"Darcie, you devil. How dare you do that to my queen?" I asked in rage and she laughed.

"This is just the beginning, watch on sweetheart." She said. A man walked in with a bucket of water. He emptied it on Hailey and she jerked to consciousness. She looked around and I could see she was shivering.

"She's cold, you devil’s incarnate!" I yelled.

"Do I look like I care?" She asked. The man started giving her punches all over, including her tummy. I couldn't help the tears that flowed down my cheeks.

"Please stop it, Darcie, she is in pains, I am begging you." I said.

"Wow, isn't that just so sweet and touching? The almighty Calvin Hart is begging me." She said and walked to Hailey. "Here is your husband I am sure he wants to talk to you." She said to her. Hailey looked at the camera with tears filled eyes.

"Baby. Please help me." She cried.