Knight in shining armour.

I made sure Hailey’s room was decorated beautifully with flowers and balloons. She still hasn’t woken up yet. It’s been five hours since the operation. Barry assured me that she was fine, but very weak. There were bandages in some parts of her body were she sustained injuries.

But our baby girl was unusually very active and healthy. And she looks a lot like me. I guess she is going to be daddy’s princess. Her cradle was placed beside Hailey’s bed.

I am still trying to move on with the realization that Hailey would not be able to give birth ever again. Darcie is going to rot in jail. Her dad had been trying to get her out but it will not happen. How would I be able to break the news to Hailey that she wouldn’t be able to bear more kids like she wanted? She was always anticipating on bearing lots of kids. She will be so devastated. I fondled her hair as she slept peacefully.

Little Vera started crying. I quickly carried her.