Chapter Thirty-Four: Kaito's Special Surprise

Third Person's View

"AAH~~ That hits the spot!" Kaito said as he finished one canned beer. Aoko glared at him and sighed. "W-What?"

"You know, I think you should really learn your lesson by now that by the time you will going to marry me, I don't want to see you drinking any more beers."

"But, Aoko, it is just for now," Kaito pouted. "It is just for celebrations so will you please give me a chance to taste the sweetness of a beer even once?" Kaito insisted, putting his both hands together in a praying position.

Aoko looked at him grumpily. Ran, Sonoko, Sera, and Kazuha laughed at the sight they're seeing right now.

"The Phantom Thief is kneeling in front of a girl? Now, that's a sight to see," Sonoko teased and giggled.

Ran giggled and looked at Kaito and Aoko. "They're really romantic, aren't they?"

"Well, I guess I am the one left off among three of us," Sera complained and drank straight on her canned beer.

"Sera-chan, don't drink too much beer. You're going to be get drunk so early," Shinichi said.

Sera raised an eyebrow to the new arrival and smirked. "Hmm? Then, can you drink a beer, Kudo Shinichi-san?" Sera teased.

"Geez. Are girls these days going to be heavy drinkers?" Heiji complained.

A vein popped out of Kazuha's temple as she walked threateningly to her boyfriend. She pinched Heiji's cheek and lean to him. "Are you saying something, Heiji?" she asked.

Heiji could feel Kazuha's aura threatening him so he just shook his head frantically and laughed awkwardly.

"Good," she said and let go of Heiji.

Ran looked at Shinichi and gave him a meaningful look. "It's time, Shinichi," Ran said and he nodded in response.

Shinichi walked towards the postion where Kaito and Aoko is and put a hand over Kaito's shoulder.

He leaned in to him and whispered, "It's time."

Kaito's expression turned serious and nodded. He looked at Aoko and smiled reassuringly when he saw her pouting.

"What did Kudo-san whispered to you?" Aoko asked.

Kaito just smiled as a response. "It is important but I'm pretty much sure it isn't about a case, my beautiful rose," he said.

She blushed. When she looked up, Kaito is gone with Shinichi. She looked around and noticed her friends are also gone to their spot.


Kaito exhaled heavily as Ran closed the door of the Kudo's mansion. "Well, that was close."

"You mean you just can't stop yourself from telling Aoko the truth," Sera teased him.

Kaito glared at him and sighed, looking over to the people he invited to join him for the surprise.

Shinichi, Ran, Sonoko, Sera, Heiji, Kazuha, Genta, Mitsuhiko, Airika (Haibara), etc. are there to help him.

"So, what are we going to do now?" Airika (Haibara) asked as he arms crossed to her chest.

"Haibara-san, don't be so rude," Mitsuhiko said as he tries to calm the short-tempered scientist.

"Well?" Airika (Haibara) raised an eyebrow to Kaito. "What now, Kid?"

"Well, let's see when we get there," Kaito said. "Go to all of your formations. I want all of this to be successful."

"Yeah. Put the 'successful' aside. I'm sure Agasa Hakase's works would be a failure." Agasa Hakase flinched and just scratched his head awkwardly.

"Well, when you're gone, Agasa Hakase pretty much improved in his work, Haibara," Shinichi boasted. Airika (Haibara) glared at him.

"Well, if we still don't move, the great future wife of the Phantom Thief shall find out about the marvelous plan," Heiji sang. Kazuha raised any eyebrow at him.

Heiji is weird. Certainly weird after we just finished the "last" mission, if it is really the last for him. She thought.

Kaito ruffled his hair, annoyed. "Waaa~~~ Well, we need to get ready or else my plan will be a huge fail!" he shouted.

All looked at each other and nodded, and ran towards their locations. Shinichi, Kaito, and Heiji went to the same location: to the balcony.


"Geez! They're all late!" Aoko said as she looked around the crowd, searching for Kaito and the others. When she can't see them, she sighed. "Where are they?" she asked through her breath.

While Aoko is still confused whether where the idiots were, a romantic music plays on the whole party, leaving the people invited there in confusion and dazzled.

"Eh? R-Romantic music?" Takagi-keiji asked suddenly as he looked around.

"Ara... I wonder if they have these kind of plan on hand to this party," Sato-keiji said as she also looked around to see where the music came from.

"Hmm? Wvhwat ish hwappenwing...?" Megure-keibu, still in a dazed because of too much drinking, asked.

"Megure-keibu, you're drinking too much again," Sato scolded him.

"Ara~ I think Shin-chan started it with his friend already. Right, Yuu-chan~~?" Yukiko said as she clings to Yusaku's arms.

"Sou'ne (That's right)," Yusaku said as he pinch his glasses up. "I'm sure they're going to make that now."

"AOOOOOKOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" A loud voice echoed throughout the whole party and the crowd suddenly turn their heads to the nearest highest platform in there, which is just the Kudo Family's household balcony.

There, Aoko saw the thief with his white suit minus his one-eyed glasses, white hat, and white gloves. He is holding a microphone and his one foot is on the balcony in front of him. He is wearing that confident smirk on his lips while looking at Aoko.

Aoko just turned around her whole body and fake her laugh as she cringed on how much embarrassment her childhood friend looks like in front of all the people in the party.

"Oi, Kaito!" she shouted as she crossed her arms. "Come back down here! Are you making some kind of magic trick? Is that why you're up there?!"

Damn! Aoko doesn't even know the one I'm tricking right now is her! Kaito thought as a drop of sweat slide down his forehead.

"Is this romantic music is also you're doing?!" Aoko shouted again.

"Yeah! That's right! I'm the one who made that!" Why the hell did you judt blurted out, you Bakaito! He thought to himself.

"Hmm... I thought so," Aoko said with a boring expression. "Well, certainly because you're still a romantic freak after all with the same kind of white suit during the night, holding a red rose's stem between your lips as you glide down the moonlight..." she teased and smirked. "Don't you think so, Kuroba Kaito-chan~?"

Kaito sighed and toss the mic behind him. Of course, it doesn't make a sound because Heiji caught it.

"That's dangerous, idiot," Heiji whispered to Kaito but Kaito just gave him a wink and jumped to the balcony.

Well, as expected, Kaito landed unharmed and walk towards Aiko like a gentleman. On that time, Aoko could see petals surrounding just the two of them as Kaito slowly walks down on a red carpet.

"" Aoko seemd to be in a fairy tale when she saw Kaito suddenly gets down on one knee and held her right hand, and kissed the back of her right hand. "Kaito..."

"Aoko, I'm sure you might see this is as a prank or a joke to you or maybe, just a trick to see the smiles of people around us," Kaito said as he stared at her hand. Aoko felt some kind of feeling that is different from before when Kaito is still on the balcony. "I also know for sure that you might think of me as an embarrassment for taking such a "glorious" act in front of everybody." Everybody laughs at his statement, even Aoko laughs. "But you see... I'm serious."

One of Kaito's hand left Aoko's and Kaito pulled out a white box from his trouser's pocket. He opened it and Aoko's left hand landed on her mouth. Her eyes widened in surprise and she could feel her eyes are burning up.

"Aoko... I have no rights to say this at all but... You made me happy. Even we always argue and fight, it is just a pretty normal thing to do for us, of course," Kaito laugh lightly. "Even though I get in lots of trouble, even if I left you behind in some of your birthdays, even if I already told you my biggest secret... You're always there for me. You always make me feel something even though you're not doing anything. It is like, somehow, you put a spell on me that make me forever locked up with you. So, Aoko... " Kaito left her hand and looked up to her with those tantalizing eyes. "...if you mind telling me, will you be my thief in the moonlight?"

Aoko chuckled lightly as tears overflows from her eyes to her cheeks. The never ending joy fills her as she said her answer, "Yes."

And then, there is this slow motion happened between them. Kaito puts on the ring on Aoko's left ring finger. Kaito's companions popped out the confettis. The rants of the drunk Aoko's father. And the very happy atmosphere within them.

They all felt happy as the night of the new beginning begins!