1: The Boy With Wings

Tucked away in the Kalypto forests in the northern region of Isla Nava lies the Vanco village, home of the Silo clan. Though they were a small clan, they were one with a long lineage dating back to the time of the first Novite, Primus. The clan was famed for it sealing techniques and was tasked long ago with sealing away the first Great Evil, Jabberwock, they have since stayed guard and built a village by the seal and reinforcing it over time when necessary. But as time went on people began to forget the terror of the great evil, and as generations passed guarding the seal was seen as more of a burden than an honor and so the youngsters meant to take the mantle of guarding the seal from their elders left to other clans and regions for a more exciting life. The more time passed the smaller the village became, but there were still few that remembered their history with pride and continued the lineage of the clan.

There was approximately 2000 inhabitants of Vanco village, 40% were either direct descendants of the Silo clan or part of branch families and the other 60% were mostly weaker grade 1 Novites that had migrated here from other regions. And for what reason would weak Novites gather here?

A studious looking young girl shot her hand up and without being called upon answered,

"The Kalypto forest fruits"

"that is correct Kaya, but please wait to be called upon and give your classmates a chance" the teacher sighed.

"Yeah Kaya the first chicken to stick out its neck gets it head chopped off" a boy from the back of the class yelled to an eruption of laughter from the rest of the class. 

"Icarus, go run laps" the teacher said trying but failing to hide his grin.

"C'mon Mr. Loki even you're laughing, I thought you would appreciate a good joke." Icarus pleaded, but his pleas fell on deaf ears. he left the class and went out into the field, there was a window in the class from which Mr. Loki could see Icarus run.

And run he did.

The field was about a kilometer around Icarus had to run 10 laps, he finished in 5 minutes.

Even amongst the direct descendants of the Silo Clan Icarus was a legend, even though he was the lowest of the low, a Level 1 Grade 1 Novite his physical abilities were almost that of a novite 10 levels higher than him, a Level 1 Grade 2 Novite. Despite his small stature and slight frame Icarus's body produce great force, and when he went all out he felt like he was flying. It was at times like this he would lose himself in this feeling and he ended up leaving the field and running where his feet would take him, passing villagers who would hop out the was curse out at him "If I catch you I'll pluck those wings of yours" a disgruntled old man yelled out at him "IF you catch me" Icarus laughed"

Before he could finish laughing a hand reached out for an open doorway leading from a small shop and grasped the collar of the young troublemaker, stopping him in his tracks while simultaneously lifting him into the air with the same hand.

 "Ah since I've caught you, what now?" the hulking figure looked into the face of the young man as he lifted him to eye level.

"F-F-Father, oh um I mean Clan Head" Icarus stuttered out nervously while bringing his palms together and lowering his head.

The Clan head looked at his son disappointedly and loosened his grip, dropping the young man on the ground. "Of all my children, you Icarus make me the most ashamed, you spend all your days running around while your brothers and sisters are practicing their techniques to uphold the family name. Look at you have you even mastered one technique?"

Icarus did not raise his head.

"Can you even recite an incantation or draw an array?"

his head stayed lowered.

"Answer me" The Clan Head yelled to the boy.

"No Clan Head, I cannot."

"Are you even close to reaching Level 2?"

"No Clan Head" Icarus answered

" Apologize to the villagers and get back to school, you will be punished later" the Clan head and his attendants turned away and headed back to the Clan residence.

Icarus was the last born of the child of the Silo Clan's Head, he had 4 brothers and 6 sisters all were shamans and shrine that guarded the seal, and all of them were at least Grade 2 Novites. As an heir of the Silo Clan expectations were high when Icarus was born, but they were lowered time and time again as the child showed no seriousness towards training of any kind and hadn't been able to progress passed the first level of Grade 1.

The power of a Novite is broken up in to 3 grade, with Grade 1 being the lowest and Grade 3 the highest. A Grade 1 Novite is able to use the nova in their nova core to reinforce their body making the stronger, move and react faster, Grade 1 Novites are the most common type of Novite. A Grade 2 Novite is able to manifest nova and use abilities based on the nature or element of their nova, Grade 2 Novites are not as common as Grade 1s but are still quite large in number across Isla Nava. Most Grade 2 Novites, especially those of higher levels, are held in higher regard and given positions of authority in Novite society. Then there are Grade 3 Novites, at this point Novites are able to resonate with Nova and form Nova Soul weapons and a Nova Atmosphere, and at Level 10 they can achieve a Nova form. Only 2 Novites are known to have reached this level, Primus The First and Jabberwock The Evil.

Levels refer to amount of True Nova in a nova core, with level 1 - 3 being referred to as "Low Stage", 4 - 7 being " Middle Stage ", and 8 - 10 being known as " Peak Stage ". Novite Can increase their level through physical training, meditation, and other cultivation methods at higher grades.

"See Icarus you are a lot smarter than you look, and yet even though you know this why can't you put it to use?" Mr. Loki asked the boy as he sat in the now empty classroom. "I'm sure if you took training seriously you could breakthrough the levels and be a grade 2 in no time, hell your bodies ability is almost there already. Don't you wish to make your Clan and village proud? we all have expectations of you."

"Only you do Mr. Loki everyone else has already given up hope in me, I can't even use my Clans techniques or cultivation methods!" Icarus cried out to his teacher, "I try and meditate but no nova answer to my calls, none of the elements heed my call Teacher. What can I do?" Icarus was sobbing now and his teacher looked down at him shocked. Not being able to reach out to nova was common in small children but Icarus was already 16, but clearly his body was reinforced with nova hence his physical ability despite his small stature and slight frame. 

A stern look came on the teacher's face, "Teach, what's wrong" Icarus asked now wiping the tears from his cheeks. "Icarus are all members of your family Elemental Nova users or is there anyone that has had their nova take on a nature of different kind..."