2: Nature


The boy's teacher smiled, "Yes, Nature. Not like elements that nova usually take on, but the nature of the owner. I know the clan head is a dual elementalist using water and fire, but what about your late mother?"

Icarus began to think deeply, to divulge the techniques and traits of ones family's nova was looked down upon, especially if they weren't publicly known.

"Its fine, I don't want to know the exact details, just a yes or no will do." Loki told they boy as if reading his mind. the stress visibly leaving the boy's face he answered giddily,

"My mother did not use elements but was a grade 2 level 5 novite. she would have been stronger had the Minos Tribe not sent there champion Golor who was level 6."

Loki laughed and the boy looked at the man with confusion, what was it that he found funny. And again as if reading his mind. 

"Im laughing because this whole time you were being trained the wrong way, and you probably harbor great potential. I will give you proper training early tomorrow but you musn't tell anyone. Including your family, do you understand?"

"yes!" Icarus responded without hesitation, he would finally be able to truly spread his wings and fly. He thought it a bit strange that he wouldn't be able to tell his family, but it was is if they cared anyways.

"I will meet you at the shrine entrance at dawn, do not be late. Now run along" Mr. Loki told Icarus, prompting the boy to turn and run at speeds even shocking the instructor. Turning and heading the other way he began to make his was to the tavern in town, it was time to set the game in motion he chuckled to himself.






The teacher entered the tavern pushing the heavy wooden door open to gust of air carrying the scent of booze, smoke, and food. Groups of worker from the Kalypto plantation huddled aroud their tables drinking and feeding merrily, forgetting the tires of their day before heading home to prepare for it all again. Loki made his was to the bar dodging swaying patrons and servers carrying sloshing mugs of Ale.

"And what brings our esteemed teacher to this fine establishment!" The bar tender asked sarcastically, wide grin splayed across his face. The man was tall, near 2 meters in height, and had a lean muscular build that was common among Southerners. He had a tan complexion and black curly hair that he tied in loose ponytail, and with an easy grin plastered on his face one would believe that this man was a friendly bar keep. However, his smile would never reach his eyes. The mans grey eyes were cold, like those of a predator.

"Horus, today I am not here a Mr. Loki, but as Chief Loki.", Horus stopped smiling now and his eyes grew wide.

"Wait, does that mean.."

"I found the key" Loki cut the man off. Horus, now over his disbelief now began grin from ear to ear. He pulled to glasses out and poured and amber liquid into both, putting one before his chief and holding the other in his hand. Without saying a word the men both down their drinks and let the fiery liquid burn their throats. 

Loki looked at his subordinate. "Contact the Minos Tribe and tell them we will hand over the village to them in 3 days time as long as they provide us with 30% of the Kalypto Plantation profits. Then contact Asura and have him head over here within the next 2 days, but no later than that."

Horus could no longer contain his excitement, he had toiled away at this bar for the last 5 years listening and reporting gossip to his boss regarding anything even remotely related to the Key, and now it was time to finally play!

"Wait, Chief is Asura gets here 2 days from now and we are to hand over the village in 3 days that only leaves one day to deal with the Silo clan and other branch Clans. Me and asura won't be able to handle it cleanly, too many people might escape." Horus was powerful, a novite that had surpassed the "Wall" known as the mid stage of grade 2 that only truly talent novites can surpass. He was a grade 2 level 8 novite, practically walking disaster. And in these areas he was unequaled, barring his leader and group member Asura. Despite that cleanly wiping out a village in 1 day without any people escaping was a tall task even for those two, they couldn't just wipe the village of the map they had to hand it over with buildings and workforce intact, otherwise there would be no point in the Minos tribe taking it as they could have come to go to war themselves.

"Worry not Horus my dear boy, you just need to use your abilities and close off the area tomorrow night and I will handle the villagers, and when Asura comes you two will handle clean up" Loki explained to Horus as if one of his students, and as he smiled at the now dumbfounded Barkeep he told him "I know every person in village and who is loyal to the clans, I will spare the Clan Head as Jabberwock will need a new body to inhabit and I will kill the rest"

Horus began to shake, not out of fear but excitement. To say he would not only exterminate a whole clan including is branches but to do it in one day by himself?!? the reverence Horus held to Loki only deepened.

"I will support you with all my might Chief"

"Good, and stop using the Troop name for your Tavern' Loki spoke as he got up to leave. And as he again began to weave through the Tavern as he did when he entered, he stopped and thought to himself 'Why not have a little pregame'

He spoke out an incantation under his breath and waved his hand across the Tavern,

"Deadman Circus"

The patrons and servers alike began to scream and claw at their eyes, trying to blind themselves from horrors shown to their minds through Loki's technique. And then one by one the began to drop dead from shock, hears stopping from the stress.

"Sorry Horus, seems like you'll have to start clean up a little sooner than planned haha"

Horus laughed along with his boss, only he would be able show him such a delightful scene.

"My pleasure Chief!"