10: Golor

Golor had adjusted to life in Suray Village well over the last five years, embracing the culture and customs of the Minos Tribe with open arms.

The fact he was originally an outsider meant nothing to the people of the Minos tribe, for them combat ability was what a person's worth was weighed, and lineage did not play a factor.

Originally when Loki had proposed the plan to make Golor the champion of the Minos Tribe he and his father were against it.

Loki then went on to elaborate that Golor's talents were best suited for that role and doing so would benefit both parties in the long term.

"Imagine instead of his talents wasting away at your side as a bodyguard we put that strength to use for our goals"

Loki knew the old merchant was disappointed that his son lacked the acumen to survive as a merchant even though he was the child who was with him the most. So the thought of finally letting his son put his talent to use was tempting.

"And how would he become the champion of a tribe he doesn't even belong to? Obviously they won't take him in just because we say so."

"You should know better than anyone the ways of the Minos Tribe better than anyone seeing as you have been working with them for two generations now. We have him defeat their current champion."

The old merchant couldn't believe it!

"My son may be strong but that is asking too much don't you think?"

"You doubt your own son's talents? Why don't we ask him if he would like to try it?"

Both men turned and looked at Golor, who was twenty-five years old at the time and awaited his answer.

"I believe in the strength I have inherited from my Mother and allow me the chance to use my talents to serve the merchant troop as my other siblings do."

With a sigh, the merchant waved his hand.

"So be it. Bring honor to your family and merchant troop my son."

Golor left with the Minos Tribe that night to perform in the warrior's ceremony, an event held when a person wished to challenge for the title of tribe champion.

The previous champion, Roca, was as tall as Golor at two and a half meters in height but was not his equal in bulk or power level.

Golor at the time was a Grade 2 level 5 Novite, a respectable level of strength anywhere, but on top of that, he used a rare nova element.


Inherited from his mother, a warrior in the Imperial Phoenix Legion of the distant Southern region, Golor could enhance his physical and defensive capabilities by hardening sand around his body.

Paired with his naturally large physique he was able to employ a brutal fighting style focused on close-range hand-to-hand combat that would leave many opponents in a bloody heap afterward.

The clash between Roca and Golor was a brief yet spectacular collision.

Roca using earth element Nova employed a similar fighting style as Golor and both men met each other head-on exchanging heavy blows.

Neither bothered to cast any incantations or use any movement techniques, a champion was meant to be unbending and unyielding what better way to decide who was better suited for that role than by having a point-blank slugfest?

Golor came out victorious by landing a heavy blow on Roca's sternum causing his chest to cave in.

The audience went wild and flooded the arena, embracing their new champion.

As Golor had never been recognized for his physical prowess, he had always felt like an outsider. But in this arena full of people, he was welcomed with open arms, and it moved him to tears. He felt overwhelmed by the acceptance and appreciation shown to him by these individuals.

Despite his lack of intelligence, they saw something in him that was valuable and worthy of praise, and it filled him with a sense of belonging that he had never experienced before.

In turn, Golor became one of the most beloved champions the Minos Tribe had seen in many a generation.

This all culminated with Golor killing the head priestess of the Vanco Village Shrine and the wife of the Silo Clan head, Naucra, in the last invasion.

He reminisced on the carnage that unfolded that day fondly,

'If only the plan didn't call for retreat we could have finished them all then and there.' 

The plan Loki had devised called for the Minos Tribe to invade Vanco Village and Loki and a subordinate of his would infiltrate amongst the chaos and join in with the Vanco villagers.

'How he plans to pull that off is beyond me, but such things are none of my concern.'

Golor simply did as he was instructed and the plan was a success, and now after all this time they would be wrapping things up once and for all. Just the night before a messenger came bearing news that Vanco Village's land and workforce would be handed over in two days and that the Minos Tribe should be ready by then.

A knock came at the door of Golor's baya*, the living structures used by the Minos Tribe, and he got up to open it.

Awaiting him were two of the Chieftain's attendants.

"Yes, how may I help you?"

"The Chieftain wishes to see you in his quarters, we are here to escort you"

The two women spoke in unison which Golor always found unsettling.

'Does he train them or find them this way?'

Shaking the thought from his mind he fell in step behind the two attendants as they headed off to the Chieftains baya.





"Golor enters!"

A voice rang out as Golor entered the spacious baya of the Chieftain.

Perched on the throne was Chieftain Toro and sat in the two chairs to his left were Loki and a hooded figure.

"Golor have a seat."

The Chieftain gestured to the seat on his left.

Taking his seat Golor looked across at Loki.

"It has been a while, Loki. I take it you come bearing good news?"

Loki laughed.

"Did I miss the joke? What do you find so amusing about my question?"

"I laugh because I do come bearing good news, but whether or not that means good news for you remains to be seen."

Golor became confused.

He looked to the Chieftain whose face was unreadable.

"What does he mean?"

The hooded figure cut in, speaking up for the first time.

"Golor you owe me a debt."

Confusion began to turn into rage Golor turned and faced the hooded figure.

"And you are?"

Removing his hood Lapyx stared at his mother's killer.

"I am Lapyx Silo, The Mad God,"