11: Rebirth of the cult

Golor guffawed hearing the young man in front of him making such a claim.

"Mad God, you say? I can agree you are mad, but a God? Please, an arrogant weakling like you should never make such claims."

Golor laughed continuously, finding the young man's statement highly amusing.

"Golor! restrain yourself!"

The Chieftain shouted at the still laughing Golor.

"Chieftain you let this pup waltz in here speaking of debts and crazed deities yet I am the one who needs to restrain himself?"

Shaking his head in disbelief Golor rose from his seat, wiping the tears that welled up in his eyes from laughing,

"My enemy has offered up his neck on a silver platter, and I would be a fool not to take his head now."

Golor prepared to launch himself at Lapyx who was seated across the table and crush the pest right then and there.

"GOLOR NO!!" Chieftain Toro yelled as he rose in an attempt to intercept his champion.

But it was too late.

Before either Golor or Toro were able to make a move, Lapyx waved his arm causing crimson nova to engulf Golor.

Golor deployed his defenses, enveloping his body in sand to defend against the nova surrounding him.

"Raging Flames!" Lapyx chanted the incantation for his technique causing the crimson nova around the now sand-covered Golor to ignite into a hellish flame.

As the flames began to penetrate his defenses, Golor realized he had made an error in his judgment.

As the flames engulfed him, he realized he was helpless to stop the attack and could feel his body melting.



The Chieftain watched in horror as the champion of his tribe was reduced to a pool of molten sand, unable to do anything to help.

"You were right about one thing. You were a fool" Lapyx laughed as he spat on the smoking pile formerly known as Golor.

"And now back to you my dear Chieftain, you also carry the weight of debt on your shoulders and now it's time to pay up."

Toro was stunned.

Golor not only was the champion of the Minos Tribe but also the strongest being in Suray Village. During the five years he stayed with them he was able to reach Grade 2 Level 7, surpassing even Toro, who was a Grade 2 Level 6 himself.

He knew that despite his youth the young man in front of him had reached a level of power that surpassed his own greatly and resisting would have been futile.

Falling back down onto his throne Toro looked at the smoking heap to his right one last time, thinking that his fate would be similar.

"Oh don't worry about him, I plan on making you pay off your debt in a different way," Lapyx told the frightened Chieftain.

"D-d-different way?"

Lapyx grinned.

"You planned to eliminate my clan and subjugate the rest of the villagers in Vanco and put them to work isn't that correct?"

Toro did not know how to answer and looked to Loki for aid.

"Don't look at him, I am the one who holds power here. Now answer my question."

"Y-y-yes that was the plan Loki, Golor's Father and I had discussed."

Toro, in a desperate attempt to save his own life, resorted to spreading the blame around, hoping that it would exonerate him and lead to a lesser punishment.

Lapyx and Loki looked at each other.

"Hahaha Loki look at him trying to blame others for his greed and that of his tribe."

Loki laughed alongside his master,

"Drowning men must grasp at twigs."

Turning now to look at the Chieftain cowering in his throne Lapyx approached him and leaned in closely.

"Listen carefully insect, from today forward you and every person in this village are my minions. The women and elderly will work in the plantations with the Vanco villagers, the men will be trained to become useful soldiers and the children will be taken by Loki and learn the ways of the cult. Understand?"

"Yes, but what about me? What am I to do?" 

Lapyx smiled with all of his teeth.

"What do you mean, I told you, all the men will be taught to become useful soldiers. Are you not a man?"







Icarus ran beside the riverbed with Nu following along behind him, even though he was aware of its exact location he was sure that if he continued to follow the river south he would reach the town of Siatl.

In the letter his father had left him, it spoke of the town where his friend had lived and was expecting him.

'He said it was at the start of the Grand Nava Canal, so if I follow the river I should be there in a day and a half at most.'

Icarus would have arrived much sooner but Nu was holding him back. It wasn't that the beast was slow it was quite swift in fact, but it was extremely lazy and would stop every few hundred meters or so and would only get up if Icarus would give it Kalypto fruits.

'I have never heard of a predatory nova beast that eats fruits and nothing else'

The thought gave Icarus pause.

'Is it even a nova beast?'

over the two days spent with Nu, Icarus noticed many strange things about the animal.

Firstly it only ever at Kalypto fruits, even going as far as to bat away a fish Icarus had caught and tried to feed it.

Secondly, despite its size, it was extremely lazy only becoming active upon being given Kalypto fruits.

And chiefly, the beast seemed intelligent.

Icarus noticed that Nu could understand Novite language, and though it was not able to form words it would respond in other ways.

If Icarus told the beast to move, it would respond by pointing its tail to a nearby Kalypto fruit tree.

If Icarus annoyed the beast it would slap him with its comically long tail.

And If Icarus said it was time to rest Nu would curl itself up and sleep, wrapping its tail around the boy as if to use him like a doll.

"You become more and more interesting every day. Eventually, I'll figure out what you are Nu but for now, let's get to that Canal."

"Nuuu." the best purred in seeming agreement.