16: Help!






As the sun reached its peak, its blazing rays illuminated the vibrant town market, bustling with activity. The sound of haggling and bartering filled the air as merchants proudly displayed their wares on neatly arranged stalls lining both sides of the street.

Chrona and Iyo leisurely strolled along the market, their hands clasped tightly together. Their eyes scanned the colorful displays, searching for the perfect medicinal herbs and ingredients for their evening meal. The fragrant scents of various herbs and spices mingled, creating a mesmerizing aroma that caused the mouth to water.

"Maybe we should grab a quick snack," Chrona suggested to his wife.

"Dear, do you forget our daughter is home alone watching our unconscious guest?"

"What's the worst that could happen? She's strong, you trained her yourself."

Years before the birth of their two children, husband and wife had a thoughtful conversation about how to raise their future kids. They decided that if their children turned out to be "elementalists" - Novites who possess the unique ability to manipulate the nova of elements like fire, water, earth, and air - Iyo would teach them House Eclipsis techniques, which were only taught to direct descendants of the royal house

On the other hand, if their children had been "nature users" - Novites whose nova takes on the user's nature, such as their personality traits, emotions, or thoughts - Chrona would have taught them his methods, which were primarily focused on enhancing their mental and emotional control over their powers. 

This agreement was made with great care and consideration for the children's future, as the couple believed that their kids' abilities should be nurtured and developed in the best way possible. 

Both were elementalists, to Chrona's dismay.

"That's what I worry about. You know how Luna can get what if she accidentally hurt the boy?"

"Oh, Iyo, give her some credit she's my daughter after all."

The two of them laughed as they finished up their shopping.

After completing their errands, they began their journey back home on the outskirts of the village.

Iyo looked up at her husband, noticing his furrowed grey eyebrows. She had been married to him for twenty years and known him even longer; he only looked like this when something was wrong.

"So, are you going to tell me what's wrong, or make me guess?"

"Was it that obvious?"


Iyo laughed at her husband, for all the knowledge he had, the man was still a fool.

Chrona let out a deep sigh, thinking about how to put the words to his wife.

"The boy sleeping in our house right now is most likely our guest."

Iyo stopped mid-stride and turned to her husband.



"What do you mean, yeah?"

"Look, his hair is red, he's wearing the Silo Clan earrings, and those tattered robes are the robes of a shrine priest."

Iyo gasped, "Wasn't he supposed to come later this week in a caravan?"

"Therein lies the problem. If that is Dalus's boy that means something must have happened up in Vanco, otherwise he would come through the city and not wrapped in the tail of a nova beast."

"Shouldn't we hurry back then?"

"It's fine, not like he's going to wake up right now."





As they strolled down the winding path that led to their charming two-story home by the river, a powerful burst of energy suddenly enveloped them. 

It was as if the very air around them crackled with electricity, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of worry and concern at the familiar energy that surrounded them. 

Recognizing their daughter's nova, the parents rushed to their home, dropping the bags and spilling the groceries on the cobblestone path.

Upon arrival, they found the upper floor room where the boy was supposed to be sleeping completely destroyed. The inside of the room was visible thanks to the wall being blown away. 

Meanwhile, the guilty parties were duking it out in the yard. Luna, was clearly in a rage, trying and failing to hit the boy who was acrobaticly evading her.

"You hop around like a damn insect, I will crush you!" Luna, now having completely lost her composure clapped her hands together causing a strange circular array to appear around her.

"Two-fold cast. Moonlight array!"

A white halo extended out from the array at the girl's feet in a circle, catching Icarus in its field.

As the light touched Icarus's feet he began to float.


Having lost his balance and all ability to evade Icarus was now a sitting duck.

Chrona and Iyo looked at each other, knowing it was too late to stop what came next.

"Lunar Halo Palm!"

Luna stepped in deeply with a low stance as her nova-infused palm struck Icarus in the solar plexus, knocking the wind out of him and sending him flying into the river.

"Damn insect." Luna spat on the ground in disgust.

"YOUNG WOMAN!" Iyo yelled at her daughter having seen enough of the display. 

"What has come over you? You were supposed to be watching him, but instead, you knocked him into the river?"

"But Mom it's not like that..."

"Both of you stop. Iyo head inside, and Luna go fetch the bags back on the path."

Both of them looked at Chrona prepared to argue with him as well, but one stern gaze put a stop to that.

'Sigh, I knew it was going to be a long day'

He walked to the river and fished out the boy, whose lower body was on land but upper body submerged, and pulled him into the yard.

"If you're alive blink."


"Wait here. I'll be back."

Turning away from the boy, Chrona waved his hand and Nova began to envelop the yard and the side of the house that had been damaged.

"Krono Stasis"

All the damage done by the battle of the two had been undone, leaving Icarus stunned.

'What kind of nova lets a person do that?'

Chrona turned back now and faced Icarus again.

"Same deal, I need you to blink. Once for yes twice for no. You from Vanco?"


Chrona took a deep sigh at this response before asking the next question.

"Are you Icarus?"


Another sigh.

'why does it look like this guy is annoyed?' Icarus was confused by the reactions more than his questions.

"Last one kid, is everything okay in Vanco?"

Blink. Blink.

"ugh. Heavens why do you burden me so?" Chrona complained to the skies before leaning down and putting his hand on the boy's chest.

"Krono Stasis"

With a surge of nova pulsing through his body, Icarus felt his wounds returning to their original state as his fractured solar plexus mended itself. Taking in a deep gasp of air Icarus shot up into a sitting position.

"Thank you.."

Chrona put up a hand cutting off the boy's thanks.

"What happened and why are you here early?"

"I need help!"

'I should have let the beast eat the kid'