17: Contract

Icarus explained to Chrona the events leading up to his abduction, including finally unlocking his nova. He told the man how his teacher was part of a cult and how he planned on using him to open the seal, but couldn't because he now had his nova.

"He was likely going to use a technique that would allow him to inject his nova directly into you and have you perform the sealing ritual under the guise of training."

Icarus was shocked not only by the man's knowledge but the fact that such a technique was possible.

'The possibilities of nova are endless, and now I possess that power.'

"Hey, kid, I'm still waiting. Continue the story."

Snapping out of his thoughts, Icarus continued.

Icarus spoke with a heavy heart, recounting the events that had transpired. Chrona listened intently, not interrupting as Icarus explained how Lapyx had managed to break the seal that had been put in place to keep Jabberwock at bay. It was an unexpected move that resulted in Lapyx becoming Jabberwock's vessel. 

To make matters worse, Loki pledged allegiance to the new vessel and planned on regrowing their cult.

"So your brother became the vessel of the first Great Evil sealed away in Vanco Village's shrine."


"And then hit hit you with a large scale technique, that would only be possible with multiple High Stage Grade 2 Novites, with no incantation that sent you into the river below."


"And not only did you survive, you have not a scratch on you."

"Well, I can explain that."

"No, no, no that's fine. I have heard enough."

Chrona waved his hand dismissively at the boy, he turned and began walking back home.

"What does that mean?"

Chrona stopped and looked back at the child. 

"Look, the story doesn't add up. You are lying. Your older brother wiped out your whole clan by himself? Your teacher was a leader of a cult? And not to mention you took on a supposed Grade 3 spell as a 1-1 with no damage. Come on, kid who's going to believe that?"

Chrona shook his head at the boy.

'No wonder Dalus wanted him gone. I would too.'

As he was about to turn away from the pitiful child, he saw him mumble something.

Irritated he called out for the boy to repeat it.

"Hey if you're going to talk speak up.'

Icarus looked back up at the man, rage bubbling up inside him.

'He doesn't even believe me, and he wants me to speak up again? He's just looking for an excuse to pick on me. Well, I'll give him one alright!' 

"I said, 'I'll kill those Mad God Cult dogs myself', you senile old coot."

Chrona was stunned hearing those words.

"What did you say?"

Icarus laughed to himself. 'Oh, that wasn't good enough?'

Icarus had vowed to live life anew, and that began with not letting people look down on him, and Lapyx taught him the best way to not get looked down upon.


Mustering all his anger Icarus drew all his nova into his feet and dashed out at Chrona.

Chrona, still stunned by Icarus's words was not able to respond in time when the boy suddenly dashed out to him.


Planting his feet in front of Chrona, Icarus transferred all his weight and nova from his feet into his right fist and struck out at the man.



Chrona dropped to the ground, clutching his never regions. His assailant hovered over him, a satisfied smile on his face.

"Can you hear me better now, old man? I said I am going to go kill the Mad God Cult dogs myself. That register or do you need me to repeat myself?"

'Did this brat think I was trying to start a fight?'

Chrona's pain was turning into fury.

'Getting looked down on by a punk?'

He started to laugh while curled up on the ground, shocking Icarus who was looking down at the man.

'Maybe he is senile.'

Then, without any indication or wasted movement, Chrona struck out at Icarus, returning the favor and hitting him in the groin as well.

"Listen you cocky brat, you said 'Some cult' when you told me your story, not the Mad God Cult."

"What difference does it make you crazy old man." Icarus groaned, still in pain.

"That's a name even your Silo Clan ancestors weren't aware of, you knowing that name means you are telling the truth sadly."


"Yes, sadly. Sadly that means my friend and his family, aside from you and Lapyx, are dead. It also means you are no longer a guest but my family now, and that means work for me."


Icarus was completely shocked by the man's words.

"What does that mean?"

"Don't ask me questions now is not the time. Head inside and change, Iyo and I brought you clothes. Tomorrow we will head down to the District Champion Office and file a report."

"Not today?"

Chrona sighed.

"I said no questions, kid. Look go inside, today we have more pressing matters to deal with, okay."

Icarus didn't know what to do, what could be more important? Time was of the essence.

Getting up and preparing to cause a fuss Icarus started towards Chrona.

"Today, we welcome a new family member into our home, so eating comes first. Then, we need to deal with your nova."


Chrona sighed again.

"I should have let the beast keep you."

"Beast? Do you mean Nu? Wait, what happened to Nu?"

'Sigh. It's going to be a long day.'






A large, black-furred beast lay on a hilltop, overlooking a river and a two-story home built in front of it. A golden patch of fur started on the crown of its head, streaked down its back, and continued into a tail that swayed back and forth rhythmically.

Nu had been watching over the house to make sure the child was safe, but it did so with a heavy heart. Though their time together was brief, Icarus had left an impact on Nu.

'A novite willing to sacrifice himself for a being such as myself, truly rare.'

Nu was sad.


Startled by the voice of his partner Nu turned his head to face his tail.

"Should you be asleep?"

"Yessss, but I sssshare a brain with you, and your sadness is currently disrupting it. Look, it sssseemsss that you want to be with the cub that badly ssssso go!"


"Nurai, let'ssss make a contract. I will transfer over all my excesss nova to you and go into extended hibernation and you will have 95% of our brain. Our form will change greatly, but it will be more convenient for you to be with that cub of yoursss."

"Asmodeus, what do you mean? How do you benefit from this?"

Nu did not doubt Asmodeus's intentions, but for him to do something like this was unbelievable.

"The difference in our energy is too great, and sssince you refuse to feed on prey, it has been hard for usss to keep balance. It issss too much of a hasssssle to be the dominant one in this body and the longer I am awake the higher the chance of shift issss. SSSo, I will hand over my powersss to you and let you have fun rassssing your cub, but in turn, for a period of time we will have to trade ssssso I can hunt. You don't have to worry about feeding or ressssstoring our power, I will handle all that. Deal?"

Nu, couldn't hide his excitement. Asmodeus had offered him a great deal and it worked out well for both sides.

Nu, loved to play but hated to hunt and feed.

Asmodeus, on the otherhand, Loved to hunt, feed, and rest, but hated moving around otherwise.
