18: Rage

Icarus sat in the room, where he would be staying for the foreseeable future, and replayed Chrona's words in his mind.

'He said I'm a new member of his family, just like that?'

Icarus had never been accepted by anyone in his clan, and now a stranger said that he was a new addition to his.

The boy was lost in thought when a voice rang out from downstairs.

"Icarus, come join us for a meal!" 

Hearing the voice of Chrona's wife, Iyo, Icarus made his way down the steps to the dining area. 

"Oh wow, look at you! Just like the model from the poster isn't that right, Dear."

"How does it fit, kid?"

Icarus was wearing a white long-sleeved top and white shorts that the pair had bought for him at the market earlier.

"It seemed to be your size, but if it's not right, we can go and exchange it." Iyo dotted on the boy wanting him to feel comfortable.

"It's perfect, I have just never worn anything besides my training garb and priest uniform. That's all."

Icarus had a different upbringing than most Novites

Due to the isolation of Vanco village, Icarus was not exposed to many of the things that were common in the outside world, such as fashion trends and other modern cultural phenomena. 

As a result, many things common to most Novites we completely foreign to him.

As he sat down at the table a pair of eyes threatened to burn holes in his if he looked up to meet them.

'At least there is one person not happy about me being here.'

Luna was mad, but not at Icarus but herself.

'Blushing over this midget holding my hands, his eyes aren't even nice, just unique is all.'

She continued to stare at Icarus while he continued to avert his gaze, focusing on the meal before him.

"Chrona had told me you would like a more simple dish compared to what we usually eat so I made a meat stew, I hope you don't mind."

Icarus became flustered as he had never met such accommodating people, including within his own family.

"I will eat whatever the Madame serves, I do not wish to be a burden."

"Look at that! Such manners."

"Iyo, what did you expect he grew up in a temple."

The couple, Chrona and his wife, attempted to make Icarus feel more comfortable during the meal. They made jokes and teased him in an effort to get him to relax.

"Thank you for the meal." Icarus thanked Iyo and prepared to get up.

"Kid, sit. they will clean up, you and I need to talk."

Chrona's sudden switch to a serious tone caught everyone by surprise but nobody made him repeat himself. Icarus lowered himself back into the chair and looked across at Chrona.

"Uh, okay?"

"Originally your father asked me to enroll you in the Adventurer's Guild as a porter, he said the work would suit you. But after meeting you and seeing that you can use Nova, as your new guardian I have decided to train you personally and then have you enroll in the local academy next year when you are eligible."

"Huh?" Icarus became confused.

"What?!?" Luna still cleaning the dining area shouted.

"Excuse me?" Iyo shouted, almost dropping the plate she was cleaning.

"Woah, woah, woah, why the surprise? He's barely passed a Level 1 right now and needs guidance."

"But, Dad how come he gets to train with you."

"Yeah, dear, why do you get to be the one to teach him not me?"

Luna was jealous as due to her parent's agreement she was never able to be trained by her father, and Iyo was jealous as she loved to teach and wanted to teach their new guests as well,

"Luna, ask your Mom why I don't train you. And Iyo, he's a nature user" Chrona laughed with his tongue out like a child.

Icarus bears witness to this drama completely perplexed. A scene such as this would be impossible to behold in the Silo Clan Household.

Icarus felt envious of the two children who grew up in such a home, to be able to laugh and joke like this was truly a blessing. Aside from the talentless Icarus, all the children of the Silo Clan were raised strictly, duty came before everything else.

A sudden pang of guilt hit Icarus as he watched the family bicker.

'Being jealous of someone else's family while your whole clan is dead? Is that such a luxury I could afford?'

'They didn't even want me, and look how easily these people accept me.'

"Uh, if it isn't a bother can't I learn from both of you?" 

Both Iyo and Chrona gave Icarus predatory looks, making the boy fear he had said something wrong.

Iyo smiled at the young boy, her beauty disarming Icarus.

"Why learn from an old grouch like him, I promise my training will be much easier and fun." Her charm had the boy under a spell.

Snapping him out of it though, was Chrona.

"Don't fall for it kid, she can't even train you the same way as our kids. She's part of the Royal family so she can only pass on techniques to direct descendants."

Icarus became stunned.

'Royal family!'

His eyes grew wider and wider in shock as his jaw hung agape, Iyo on the other hand began to turn red in anger.

"Chrona! You cheating bastard! That. Is. A. Secret! Do you wish to train him that bad?"

"Of course! Isn't it obvious?" Chrona laughed as he looked at his fuming wife.

Iyo looked at her husband not being able to understand why he would go to such lengths as to expose a secret none outside her clan and a few guards placed within the town knew.


"Icarus pick up your jaw and head out to the backyard."

Coming to his senses Icarus got up immediately and headed out to the backyard as instructed.


Luna stood before her father, arms crossed, brows furrowed, and a look that could pierce stone on her face.

"Why him?"

"Pardon me?"

"You heard me, Dad. Why him? You could have both trained him, but you went as far as to expose a national secret. What is it about that boy that made you do so?"

Chrona scratched his head as he sighed.

'She inherited her mother's intuition, what deity have I anger to incur such misfortune.'

Looking up, even his wife now was looking at him expectantly, he sighed again.

"When I used Stasis on him earlier I was able to see his Nova Vessel System* as well as get a grasp of his Nova's affinity."

"And?" Both Iyo and Luna asked in unison.

"I don't know how or why, but that child has a perfect Nova Vessel System. Had been able to train he would, at the very least, be as strong as Lunaro."

In unison again, "What?"

"He is like an ancient dried-out canyon that was meant to be a great river."

"That's great and all, but doesn't explain why Mom can't train him as well."

"You don't get it Luna, he isn't like you or your brother. He doesn't have the time to learn complex methods and countless forms, he needs a strength that will suit his nova."

"And that is?" Iyo asked, now herself curious.
