19: Raging Heart

Chrona walked out into the backyard where Icarus was waiting for him and motioned for him to sit down.

"Listen, kid, from today onward, I am going to be your master, and you, my pupil. What I am going to teach you is meant for you, and you only. Do you understand?"


Yes, what?"

Icarus giggled, "Yes, Master."

"Good. So what do you know about the different Grades and Levels of Novites?"

"I know that the grades are divided into how one can manipulate nova, and the Levels are divided into ten by the size of the nova center." 

This was basic knowledge, and all the children in the village were taught this on the first day of class. Icarus was confident in the answer.




Chrona smacked the boy over the head with a stick that was by his side.

"First off, no back talk. Secondly, a Grade 1 Novite, can only manipulate the nova within the body, a Grade 2 can manipulate both internal and external nova, and finally, a Grade 3 Novite can unify both Novas."

Icarus nodded, learning from his previous mistake.

"Though you aren't completely wrong about the Levels being divided by Nova center size, there is more to it than that. A Level 1 has one Nova Vessel System, a vessel system usually has five veins, one from the head, two from the arms, and two from the legs. They all lead back to the Nova Center, creating one system, and thus completing Level 1. Repeat that process ten times, and you are a Level 10. As your level increases, your Nova Center will increase in size to manage the burden of the expanding veins."

Icarus raised his hand, a question arising from the explanation.

"What is your question?"

"You said five veins usually, what did you mean by that?"

Chrona smiled, 'Good, the boy catches on quick.'

"For Elementalists, the nova that they need to fill their Nova Centers is abundant in the environment, they do not need the extra vein. The sixth vein is for nature users like us, it is used to mix nova with our whole being. That is the heart vein."

Icarus had never encountered this information before, but he understood its value and absorbed every detail.

"Your Nova has taken the characteristics of rage, so using that emotion is how you will be able to generate Nova. The method I am going to teach you is going to give you a place to store that anger instead of having to get mad all the time to create Nova. It is called the Raging Heart Method, with this method as long as you train diligently and don't succumb to the drawback, you will be able to avenge your clan."

Icarus was stunned by the bold statement. He hadn't been able to use any Nova for the first sixteen years of his life, and now this man was telling him as long as he trained he would be able to obtain the strength needed for his revenge.

'That's impossible, this old man is pulling my leg.'

Seeing the obvious disbelief written all over the boy's face Chrona felt the need to elaborate.

"This is only possible because you have two things, firstly a body with the perfect Nova Vessel System for a Grade 1 Novite, and your Nova takes on the nature of rage. And don't forget the second half of what I said, you will still need to survive the drawbacks."

Raising his hand again, Icarus asked another question.

"What are the drawbacks?"

Chrona grinned, "Allow me to show you."

Lifting up his arms, and then turning his palms to Icarus, Chrona began to silently chant an incantation. A circular array began to form beneath Icarus, expanding out a few feet wide. Next, a triangular array began to form within the circular one and enveloped Icarus.

"Barrier of Refelection!"

With the technique in place, Icarus found himself within a small dome that enclosed his seated figure.

"What I am going to need you to do is get angry, as furious as possible, and do not stop until I tell you, got it?"

Icarus was unsure but he put his faith in his teacher and nodded.

As he sat there and began to meditate, memories of how his clan members treated him began to flood his mind. 

He remembered the way they made him feel like a burden, as though his mere existence was a nuisance. They ignored him completely, failing to acknowledge his presence. 

It was like he was invisible to them. The worst of it was the way they would laugh behind his back, thinking he couldn't hear them. 

They called him a disgrace as if he were somehow unworthy of their attention and respect. 

These memories were painful to recall, but he couldn't help but dwell on them.

As he delved deeper into his thoughts, an overwhelming wave of memories came rushing in. 

He couldn't help but recall his father's piercing glares that seemed to communicate his disappointment and disdain toward him. 

The indifference he faced from his father after his mother's passing added to the pain he felt. 

The vivid images of Lapyx's constant torment also resurfaced, leaving him feeling helpless and alone.

Icarus was seething with rage, his body beginning to burn up as crimson Nova emitted from him and began to fill up the inside of the barrier.

"Good job! Now stop."

When he opened his eyes, Icarus's vision was filled with crimson.

"That is your Nova, that is your rage. Now draw it into your heart, and by no means are you to stop until I tell you. Regardless of how much pain you feel, you must endure. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master!"

Closing his eyes again and steeling his resolve, Icarus began to draw the Nova into his heart as instructed. He felt nothing at first, but as time passed he could feel the small strands of Nova being drawn in.

"Good, good. Keep going." Chrona encouraged his pupil from outside the barrier.

A steady stream of the crimson Nova began to flow into his heart, rapidly increasing its temperature. Icarus felt his heart was aflame but he managed the pain and continued the process.

Half of the crimson energy within the barrier had now been absorbed by Icarus, but he was nearing his pain threshold. His whole chest was an inferno now and he was barely holding onto his consciousness, he was threatening to succumb to the pain.

Seeing this Chrona motivated the boy, "Was your anger only this much! Does your thirst for revenge only amount to this?"

He shouted at Icarus hoping to spark something within him.

Icarus's mind replayed Lapyx's betrayal, his smile as he toyed with his life. The joy he must have had at slaying the whole clan. How he had given him false hope only to try and slay him as well.


Murderous thoughts crept into his mind, sending him into a frenzied rage yet again. Feeding on his anger the burning Nova in his chest began to swell, draining the Nova from within the barrier even faster.

"Perfect! Now circulate that Nova throughout your body!" Chrona yelled now to the boy, his excitement reaching frenzy levels as well. 


Icarus yelled as he circulated the burning energy. With every beat of his heart, he could feel the Nova pumping through his veins, to his muscles, and in his bones. The Nova seeped into his head, burning his eyes and sending his brain aflame.

"AAAAAHHH!' He yelled out in excruciating pain as his whole being was burning.

"Bear it my pupil! Overcome this pain, and overcome your past self!"

Barely hearing the words, Icarus fought on valiantly. The began to reach its climax as Icarus felt that he would self-combust, and then something happened.

It stopped.

His body was still burning, but the pain did not increase.


Chrona brought the boy's mind back to focus and he began circulating the Nova again, and as time passed the pain began to subside.

"Congratulations, you broke through."


Chrona swung the stick at Icarus again, but this time something was different.

As if he were swinging at a quarter speed, Icarus swayed and dodged the branch easily.

"You are now Level 2."