23: District Champion

Icarus laid down on the bed of the Chereka family's oldest child and prepared to sleep. Nu, curled up in a ball, rested on the pillow next to Icarus.

'I might not have paid attention in class, but I can tell the village was far behind in our knowledge and application of Nova. I have the chance to learn and spread my wings now, I must take advantage of this opportunity.'

Icarus had never seen nor heard of the ways Chrona used Nova, and he was sure it was the same for the rest of his Clan members and villagers of Vanco. 

Even the explanations of Nova Vessels and the difference between Grades and Levels were things that he knew for fact weren't taught in Vanco.

'A small village in a secluded forest closed off to the world. It is impossible to grow that way.'

Anger began to burn in Icarus's heart. His clan had sacrificed growth for tradition and now that he had left, Icarus realized that it held the Silo Clan back greatly.

'I am free now, I will not make those same mistakes, I will learn and improve. Then I shall avenge my clan and seal away Jabberwock.'

'I must!'

Icarus resolved himself and drifted off to sleep.






The next morning Icarus and Chrona set off to the District Champion Office to file the report.

"Master, how is a District Champion any different from a Clan or Village Champion?"

Icarus did not understand what made this Champion so important as to get their own office and have such a large area under their jurisdiction.

"You see, District Champions are Novites that have been recognized by the Realm Court for their power, Village and Clan Champions are only recognized by their respective Clan or Village. Just the scope in power alone is different."

The Realm Court is a gathering of representatives from every major city of the five regions. Each representative collects the data from the various guilds, academies, and institutes in their cities and sends them to the Realm Court Bureau where it is analyzed and cataloged for future use.

"The average District Champion is Grade 3 Level 2 can your villages Champion compare?"

Icarus was silent, there was absolutely no comparison. It seems Vanco Village truly was like a frog living in a well.

"No Master, there isn't one."

"Not only is there a difference in power, but also duty. A District Champion is responsible for protecting one major city and all the small towns and villages surrounding it. Any more questions?"

"No, Master"

As they made their way through the town, Chrona would point out certain shops that had good quality items for fair pricing, his favorite cafes and restaurants, as well as the shady merchants to avoid.

They arrived at a big stone building with a solid rectangular door. The windowless building looked like a steep rockface.

The words 'District Champion Office' were engraved in the stone above the door, making sure nobody would mistake the function of this building.

"Woah!" Of all the buildings Icarus had seen in Siatl so far, this was by far the most impressive.

"Alight, Icarus, I am going to explain the situation to him, so just go along with what I say. Alright?"

"Why not just tell them the truth?"

Chrona sighed. He had not been able to fully explain the ways of the world to the boy, nor had he been able to describe how his clan was perceived in the surrounding area.

"Icarus, people have forgotten about Jabberwock, he is a thing of the past. Great Evils show up every few years and get slain by Champion Trainees. If I tell them the truth they won't see it as an urgent matter or send some trainees. Based off what you told me the longer we wait the worse this problem will become, so let me talk."


The reason the Silo Clan persisted in guarding the seal was the thought that their duty was bein recognized. They took pride in the belief that they held the worst evil in history in check.

But now he was being told that people had forgotten this. Their sacrifice belittled.

'Great Evils show up all the time he says?'

Icarus's heart smoldered at this, causing his chest to burn up. The heat began to spread throughout his body unbeknownst to him as they walked to the door.

They let themselves in and found themselves in a large waiting area. At the far end was another door and Chrona led Icarus towards it.

Feeling an odd pressure Chrona looked down to Icarus and what he said shocked him.

Icarus's eyes had become bloodshot and the veins in his arms and on his forehead bulged.

His body seemed tense as if a beast was ready to pounce, and his breathing was heavy.

'My goodness, this kid is in a rage!'

Chrona knew that this was one of the effects of the raging heart method, but this state usually only occurred far later on, when one had stored more rage in the heart.

'Maybe I underestimated the anger and hatred he holds.'

Grabbing Icarus by his shoulder, Chrona turned and looked the boy in his eyes.

"Calm down, store all of it in your heart. This is neither the time nor the place. Do you understand?"

Icarus had lost himself in the thoughts of anger and had to gather himself. He did as his Master told him and began to channel his energy towards his heart. The burning sensation began to subside as it was gathered all in his heart again.

As soon as he finished the process his body became weak.

"Master, what's wrong with my body."

"It's part of the Raginig Heat method, I will explain later. Are you good for now though?"

He felt uneasy about the nonchalant response, but he remembered the purpose of their visit here.

He nodded his head at Chrona, "Yeah, I'm good."

As they passed through the door, the sight of a very large man sitting at a very small desk greeted them.

He was bald with a long red beard that was fixed in a long braid that fell upon his barrel-like chest. Seeing two guests walk in he pushed back from his chair and stood up to greet them.

Standing up the man was even larger, at least two and a half meters in height with broad imposing shoulders, and a protruding gut from being sat in an office all day.

"District Champion Office, I'm the District Champion, Vor. What can I help you two with."

Vor's voice was like a deep rumbling and he smiled as he shook hands with Chrona.

"Greetings, Champion. We have come to make a request regarding a mass murder up in Vanco Village, this boy is my friend's son and the last survivor of the Silo Clan."

Hearing this information, Vor's face became grave. The smaller guilds in that part of his district had been silent for the past few days and he sent his trainees to investigate.

'These incidents are definitely related, I should send another trainee squad to back up Pluto and his squad.'

Coming to his decision swiftly, Vor looked at Chrona and responded.

"I had already sent a trainee squad out there on other business, but hearing this I will put more manpower out there."

Hearing the words 'trainee squad' caused Icarus and Chrona to give each other concerned looks. This was the opposite of what they wanted.

Icarus looked at Vor and spoke up, "Wouldn't be better to go yourself instead of sending some trainees?"

Vor shot the boy a furious look.

"You doubt my judgment boy? I'll have you know that the squad that I am sending to back up the other squad is led by Galen Galanti of House Galanti, someone who I have personally trained and someone who will succeed in my position. A small village full of priests getting wiped out doesn't warrant my presence, be honored I am even doing this much!'