24: Harvest

"We thank you for your aid District Champion Vor, we shall pray for your trainees' success."

Though he spoke gratitude, the sarcasm in Chrona's words was hard to miss.

He grabbed Icarus by his shoulder and guided the boy out.

Once they left the building Icarus turned to his master and asked him, "I thought we didn't want the trainees to go. And I don't mean to be rude, but that Vor was a dick."

Chrona laughed at the boy's assessment, not finding any fault in it.

"Look Icarus, that Galen is part of a powerful house in the Northern region, Vor is probably trying to suck up to them. That being said two squads of Grade 3 Novites are going to handle it so everything should be fine. We'll come back in a week and follow up. Until then you need to train."

Chrona tried to ease the boy's worries, but in reality, if what Icarus had told them was true, this would likely turn into a messy incident.

What worried Chrona was not the Great Evil that merged with Lapyx, but the reemergence of the Mad God Cult.

Chrona wholly believed that the Champion trainees would handle Lapyx with ease, the Mad God Cult was another question.

Though they had disappeared centuries ago the Mad God Cult was the most feared religious group in history.

Their teachings would drive Novites to madness, breaking their minds. then a ritual would be performed where Nova Blood Crystal made by the Cult would be implanted in the forehead, turning the Novite into a berserker.

These Berserkers could surpass the limitations of their Grade and Levels but at the cost of their sanity.

They were terrifying soldiers, not feeling any pain and in an endless state of bloodlust fueled by rage.

'I hope I'm just overthinking there could be no remnants of that cult left.'







In the days following the takeover of Suray and Vanco Village, Loki and Horus were busy.

Horus was in charge of harvesting the bodies of the Silo Clan as well as the people from both villages that resisted. He was beginning the process of making Nova Blood Crystals.

Though Loki had always had the recipe he lacked one vital piece of information, the refining method. 

Only Jabberwock knew of the refining method, which was why the last members of the cult had entrusted Loi with the task of freeing him.

For the Mad God Cul to once again spread fear across Isla Nava, the power of the Nova Blood Crystals was of the utmost importance.

Horus sat in a chair as the former plantation workers from Vanco cut flesh from bone and added it to a large pit. The bones were turned into fine powder and used to make the gem itself, while the blood from the flesh was extracted for its Nova Essence.

"Hurry it up or I will add all of you to the ingredient list."

'Man, Asura has it good, always out in the field. I always get stuck with shitty jobs like this. I have to talk to Loki about this, it isn't fair!'

Horus's thoughts were interrupted when one of the new cult initiates came running to him.

"Priest Horus, Priest Loki calls for. It is urgent."

Horus was surprised, he didn't expect Loki to need his help with the indoctrination of new initiates, but there was nothing else he was doing at the time that would require aid.

"Lead the way."





Lapyx sat on Toro's throne as the former chieftain sat in the chair to his left.

Toro had all of his hair and was dressed in initiate's garbs.

His title and status had been stripped from him and Lapyx used him to order around the Minos Tribe members.

They were currently digging massive pits in the middle of the village. Lapyx had ordered Toro to instruct them to dig one hundred pits.

Toro did not understand why, but he could not ask any questions.

"High Priest Lapyx, Priest Loki, and Priest Horus have arrived."

"Send them in."

The hooded attendant brought Horus and Loki in and brought goblets full of crimson wine.

The two men bowed to the throne before sitting down.

"Greetings High Priest."

"Be seated, we have things to discuss."

Loki was interested in what actions Lapyx planned on making. Other than giving instructions to dig, he had spent all his time assimilating with Jabberwock.

"I still need more time to acclimate my body to Jabberwock's power, but I have access to all his memories, with his knowledge and my skills we have made a new refining method for the crystals. I don't need mindless berserkers, what I need, no, what the cult needs is Devotees with unshakable loyalty and obedience. Only those that display these qualities can be promoted from Initiates to disciples."

Loki and Horus agreed with the assessment, but Lapyx did not suggest anything requiring discussion.

Loki was already using his Deadman Circus technique to use illusions to break the minds of Initiates, he would then Introduce Jabberwock as their savior and the brainwashing would be complete.

'Maybe it has something to do with the new refining method. Though Berserkers are strong, they lose all sanity, basically becoming glorified hunting dogs.'

"Horus, how many crystals have you been able to process?" 

Horus had been busy and was and had almost completed the task of processing the crystals with essence.

"Almost two hundred High Priest."

"Perfect. Both of you gather all of your initiates and bring them to the pits, we will begin the new initiation ritual to the Mad God Cult."

Both Loki and Horus were first shocked but then overcome by excitement.

Their cult was about to be revived truly and they would be the witnesses of it.

'Finally, the seeds that the Elders planted all those years ago bear fruit!'

Loki was elated, he and Horus were the last true members of the original Mad God Cult.

After their downfall at the hands of Primus, the cult had to go into hiding and forced them to change their practices.

Only priests were allowed to appoint new elders and allow new members in.

There would be only one disciple per elder, with no exceptions.

Loki's master was the last remaining priest, and after his death, Loki took in Horus as his disciple.







All initiates and disciples were gathered in front of the pits with worried and confused looks on their faces.

They murmured amongst themselves trying to figure out why they had all been summoned.

Most of the people gathered had gone along with becoming part of the cult after witnessing the power displayed by the invaders and in addition to their indoctrination methods, most of them were secretly against it.

Though, like a snake without a head, since their chieftain had been captured they had nobody to lead them and so they remained silent.

Lapyx emerged from his baya, moonlight illuminating his red and gold High Priest robes.

Most of the people averted their eyes and bowed immediately out of fear, and a small few out of reverence.

"Greetings to the High Priest!"

Lapyx smiled with delight.

'People bowing before me, this how it should always be!'

"Raise your heads, my followers. I understand these past few days have been hard, but I promise tonight will be the last of it."

The villagers looked amongst themselves in disbelief,

"He's going to let us go?"

"Shh be quiet it's probably a test of loyalty."

"Who cares just go along, we're free"

They whispered and a silent excitement began to grow.

The villagers weren't the only ones that were surprised,

"Hey Chief, what is the kid talking about?" Horus asked angrily.

"Horus, mind your tongue. That kid is Jabberwock's vessel, and currently, he is the only one capable of reviving the cult. Let's see where this goes."

Though he preached patience to Horus, Loki himself was in disbelief, not understanding what was about to take place.

"I understand how difficult it must have been to see your fellow villagers slain but imagine how I felt when your people killed my clan members over fruit. Today not only do I offer you all freedom, I also offer salvation. And for the select few of you who chose to remain as true followers and prove your worth, I offer power."

Everyone was stunned at these words.




A young man stepped out from the group, his head was shaved like the rest of the male initiates, but unlike the others, his eyes harbored no fear.

"I do not seek freedom, nor salvation. I wish for the power that you offer."

Lapyx began to laugh hearing the words of the brave young man.

"Good, I need those with that much hunger at least. Name and age?

"Nephal, 16."

"Same as my little brother, hahaha. Nephal if you can prove your worth you shall be my new brother and I will grant you that power which you so desire."

With a smile on his face, he turned his attention back to the masses and spoke out loudly so all could hear.

"All of you enter into the pits, one hundred people per pit. You will fight without the use of nova until one is left per pit. Those who survive are free to do as they please, and those who refuse I will kill right now. Any questions?"

Everyone was silent.

Nephal jumped into the pit before him without saying another word.

Most of the villagers did not move immediately, while four silently made their way to different pits and jumped in, following Nephal's lead.

"You all should follow the leads of the brave ones before you, the only chance you have at freedom is in the pits. I will offer no mercy."

At those words, the remaining people jumped in casting aside their hesitation knowing grisly death would await them with the High Priest.

"And so the true harvest begins."