Family to Be & Wait (UPDATED)

"Now can you tell me what's going on, Oromis?" Islanzadi asked.

"Just as soon as I confirm that they are off my lands." Oromis said, looking in the direction the guards left.

After five minutes Oromis said "Okay. So you wanted to know why my guests insisted that you remain here, alone. Yes?" Oromis asked.

"Yes, please. The suspense is killing me." Arya said.

"Very well. It's all on you now, Brother." Oromis said as he walked to sit on a bench in front of his house.

"Brother? I haven't heard you say that since before the fall..." Islanzadi said before Ēborisk walked out from behind Glaedr.

"Gasp, another Dragon." Islanzadi said.

"And he is wearing a saddle, but where is his rider?" Arya asked, getting nervous.

"Right here." I said, dropping my invisibility spell from five feet behind them.

Arya spun around, drawing her sword. As soon as she saw me, she froze.

Islanzadi spun around just to freeze as soon as she saw me.

"You...look familiar." Arya said while squinting her eyes.

"Evanyar?" Islanzadi whispered. "Evanyar, is that you?" she asked while tears started to form in her eyes.

"Evanyar?" Arya asked while looking at her mother. "Who is Evanyar?"

"Your betrothed. He was thought to be killed during the war." Oromis said, noticing Islanzadi was speechless.

"Evanyar?" Arya asked while she was drawn into her memories.

The same thing was happening to me after I heard her say my name. A very young girl was holding my hand while we lay in a crib. She was asleep but had an iron grip on my hand. After looking at Arya I realized she was that girl.

Ignoring her still-drawn sword, I walked up to her left side and remade that scene in my memories, just standing up. Holding her left hand in my right I turned my head towards her. She clearly has the same memory because she threw herself into my arms screaming "EVANYAR!", dropping her sword at the same moment.

Walking up to us, Islanzadi stared at my face stuffed into Aryas neck before cupping my exposed cheek.

Another memory resurfaced of a very similar situation, except I was in a man's arms as she was crying and holding a young Arya while saying goodbye to the both of us. When I came out of the memory she was already in my other arm, crying. All I could do was pick them up and gently sway them back and forth.

After thirty minutes my mother-in-law released me to stabilize her emotions and ask some questions.

"Where have you been? We thought you died during the fall." she asked while I wrapped my now free arm around my fiancee that wasn't ready to let me go yet, continuing to sway her back and forth.

"I was raised in the village by the village Elder. They all died two winters ago due to the weather, but I managed to survive, being the only young person there. Everyone able-bodied went to help my Father when he left. The pass was closed off when they left to protect the valley." I said.

"Because the valley was closed we assumed it was taken by the betrayer. I'm so sorry my boy. I should have had the pass cleared out." Islanzadi said with tears flowing again.

"Do not worry. I managed to bond with an egg, and after he grew enough we flew out of the valley and came here. We've been flying for the last twelve days. We were going to camp at the Stone of Broken Eggs for the night but Oromis found us and brought us here. And that's when we saw you." I said.

"OROMIS! You were going to send me away from my future son-in-law?!" Islanzadi screamed.

"It was his decision. He wanted to have a night of rest and be able to clean himself before coming into Ellesmera. I almost never have guests so I wasn't expecting anyone to be here. The only reason you were told today is because Evanyar heard Arya say she was leaving tomorrow." Oromis clarified.

"You only revealed yourself so you could talk to me before I left?" Arya asked into my neck.

"Yes, my dear. I didn't want to wait for months or years to see you, or have you hear of my return and turn back." I said, still holding her, feet hanging off the ground.

"I believe I understand. So you're a Rider now, my son?" Islanzadi asked.

"Yes, Mother. Have been for a year and a half. I am now a Rider on the same rank as Brother Oromis." I said.

"But you are too young." Islanzadi insisted.

"Actually, no. Since he is the only other free Rider, and betrothed to the royal throne, he has been given full ranks and is recognized as a seated Rider on the high table." Oromis said.

"I suppose that makes sense. I won't force you to take the throne my son, but..." Islanzadi started to say.

"Why won't you force him. You tried to force me." Arya said, upset.

"Because he is a Rider darling. Now stop interrupting. I won't force the throne on you, but I must insist that you follow through on your arranged marriage. It was your father's final wish before he left, after all." she said.

I couldn't see Arya's face, but I could feel it warming up in my neck when her mother said these words.

"I'm aware I need to do some things, but I'm a Rider before anything else." I finished, leaving no room for argument.

"Sigh, I suppose that's the best I can ask for. Very well. I won't try to push your relationship along, but i do expect grandchildren. Im ready for them." Islanzadi said.

Blushing I said "I can't promise anything. Only time will tell."

"FINE. But I expect you both married before the end of next year!" Islanzadi said adamantly.

"That's fine, it will take some time for me to heal Brother Glaedr anyway." I stated.

"Heal him? Please don't tell me you are going to try and regrow his limb. It's too taxing to do so. You will die from energy loss." Islanzadi was starting to panic.

"He'll be fine, my Queen. He has already healed my issue, what's a limb by comparison?" Oromis asked.

"Healed you Oromis? How?" she asked.

"By using magic in my own way. I will be fine. It will just take me some weeks. If you wish to visit me during that time just ask Glaedr to transport you. Neither Ēborisk nor myself are ready to join you in Ellesmera yet anyway." I said.

"Would that be fine with you Glaedr?" she asked.

'It is no problem my Queen. A couple of flights a day are well worth getting my limb back." Glaedr assured her.

"Well, now that that's settled how about I make dinner for everyone?" Islanzadi asked.

"My Queen, please allow me to cook for you." Oromis tried to stop her.

"No Oromis, I want to cook a meal for my 'son'." Islanzadi emphasized the word heavily. "And it will also be Aryas last meal before she leaves for her journey. Please don't try to take this away from me." she insisted.

Aryas arms tightened at the mention of her leaving tomorrow.

"As you command, my Queen." Oromis said with a bow of his head.

"You know, my dear, you can just let someone else do this trip if you want. You can always leave on the next attempt to find a new Rider. Besides, I'm a new Rider myself so taking the egg back and forth is kind of redundant at this point." I whispered into her ear.

"...I may just do that." she responded in kind. It wasn't long after that I felt her tears fall anew.

"Do you know the spell to warp light around yourself?" I asked her.

"Yes. Why do you ask?" she asked.

'Ēborisk, my friend. Would you be willing to take my soon to be wife for a flight to the Stone of Broken Eggs and back for me? I want her to calm down a bit.' I asked.

'Your wife is my sister, partner. Throw her up here.' he said with a chuckle.

And so Arya went on her first flight on a dragons back. Before getting out of sight she had already forgotten her sadness. All we heard was a loud "Woohoo!" as Ēborisk was flying as a very fast speed.