The silhouette of a tall figure with broad shoulders emerged from the trees, and I realized he had long black hair, pale skin… Oh, it was Alexander.
I let out a sigh of relief that it was him as opposed to Remus or someone actually nefarious. He wore a calm, though somewhat, worried expression on his face, and his lips twisted into a frown.
Nicholas stared the amber-eyed vampire down and muttered, “You followed us, Alex?”
“Worried about Lorelei,” he grunted, causing my heart to flutter. He narrowed his eyes. “You can be intense sometimes, Nick. I didn’t think you were going to hurt her, but wanted to follow just in case.”
He took a seat on my other side, not moving close enough to touch just yet. Damn, I really wanted him to press against me right now. I could use the comfort but decided to keep that to myself for now.