I was pacing the living room floor as I told the Chief what had happened. I could feel the panic rising with every step.
"You said Harmony is behind this?" Asked the Chief.
I nodded, "Yes, Chief, she told me herself."
"I have a team out searching the woods for her, and she has probably found a place to hide," he said, running a hand through his hair.
"Grandson, come help me with this prayer circle. I want to ask the Great Spirits for guidance." Said Papa, who took a seat in the center of the room.
I walked over to help him with the ring of salt, then lit a smudge stick to help guide him through the spirit realm.
Papa sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, then sucked in a deep breath. When his eyes rolled into the back of his head, I knew he had made the journey.
"Look into your heart, and you will find the other half of your soul," came an unfamiliar voice from grandfather.
The Great Spirits have spoken to me.
"Thank you, Great Spirit, for your wisdom," I said, then thought deeply about what they said. Look deep into my heart to find the other half of my soul…
Spirits above, I was an idiot!
Eve was literally the other half of my soul, and even though we haven't completed the bond, there should still be a strong enough connection to her to help find her.
I grabbed my grandfather's things, made a salt circle, and then lit the smudge stick. I took a deep breath and pushed away all my panic and worry; to look deep inside for my link to Eve.
And there it was, a light red string that tied us together. When the bond is completed, the link will become solid. I mentally grabbed hold of the link, then found myself in an unfamiliar place I could see through Eve's eyes.
I could see that she was utterly naked, locked in a dog crate. She turned her head to the side, and I found myself looking at a young boy with red hair, and my beautiful Eve was holding his hand as he cried.
I could feel Eve's fear through the bond. I sent her my love, shocked when she sat up.
"Clay?" She whispered
"Little Bird," I replied
She gasped, "I hear you in my head. How is this possible?"
"It's because of our bond. Where are you, my heart? Who took you?" I asked
"A man named Father Lucas is messed up in the head, Clay, and plans to wipe out the Guardians. He told us that his mother was raped and abused by a Guardian, and he thinks we are all possessed by demons."
" You mentioned others; how many more are there with you?" I asked
I watched through her eyes as she turned around in her crate to see three others behind her.
"Are you connected to her?" Asked the Chief. When I nodded, he asked, "Explain what's happening, Clay."
"I can see through her eyes, feel what she is feeling, and speak to her telepathically" I explained.
"What do you see, son?" asked father.
"She is in some kind of room with white walls. The room is filled with dog crates that have Guardians in them." I said, " One of them is a young boy around four, a big dark-skinned man, a young girl around ten, and a guy that looks close to my age."
"Ask Eve about who took her and have her ask the Guardians what tribes they are from. Maybe we can pinpoint a location." Said Chief
Returning my attention to Eve, I asked her what my father wanted to know.
"The man who took me is a priest around my father's age with short salt and pepper hair, a beard, and hazel eyes. As for the other Guardians, the man with dark skin says his name is Kenneth Paddock from the Cherokee black bear tribe, and the young girl is Skye Holt from the Forney's Creek Cougar tribe. The boy my age is Samwell Alberty from an owl tribe in a town called Marble, and then a young boy I think is a fox; I don't know where he is from, though."
"There is a fox tribe in Robbinsville," says father
"From what Eve said, the pattern creates a triangle." Says, Cole. "The town in the center of the triangle is Yellow Creek."
"I found something online about a man named Father Lucas," said Flint, "It says that he performs exorcisms to rid of the world of demons."
"Let's head to Yellow Creek." Says Asher, "Maybe Clay's connection to Eve will help us find her."
"I'm going to go now, Little Bird; I hope to see you soon."
"I love you, Clay."
"I love you too, Little Bird; we are coming for you, baby; just hold on until I get there." After that, I reluctantly disconnected from her, then stood with a hand from Asher.
"We will find her, my friend," he said with a slap on the back.