Evelyn is a nerdy girl who loves Disney fairytales and watching plays with her mother. One day Evelyn learns that isn't quite human and that the world is full of supernatural beings. So she and her mother move from Ohio back to her mother's home town of Tipton, North Carolina.
Clayton is your typical high school jock who loves sports and hanging with the guys. Clayton has just come of age in his tribe and is now old enough to join the pack. One day at he was working at the Wolf Sanctuary when a sad girl walks in, the poor girl looks like a baby bird who fell out of its nest... but for some reason, he feels drawn to her...
On the first day of school, Evelyn and Clayton meet for the second time and it doesn't go so well, but through the story they become inseparable. One day Evelyn learns that Clayton isn't quite human either....
Want to know what they are? Find out by reading Little Bird's Gaurdian