Yesterday, after our passionate meeting, I returned home and eagerly sought the comfort of my bed. I was overflowing with joy and pride, for I had made a courageous decision for the first time in my life.

Alas, in my excitement, I forgot to complete my arithmetic homework and now I stand outside my classroom, facing the consequences of my forgetfulness.

I fear Ryuto Sensei doesn't like me that much.You remember me getting kicked out of class right?

But I do not wish to place blame, I understand it is solely my fault. It is only natural for a teacher to have resentment towards a student who neglects their responsibilities and duties.

"You have until 4 pm to submit your homework to my office," Ryuto Sensei stated with a firm voice before dismissing me.

Eighty-seven questions in two hours, a daunting task, but I am confident in my mathematical abilities. I anticipated completing the task in a mere 60 minutes.

But reality proved more challenging, and it took me an exhausting 110 minutes to complete the assignment.

Though, even with the extended time, finishing 87 questions is still a remarkable feat. However, a new obstacle arises, as I am unfamiliar with the location of Ryuto Sensei's office in this sprawling school building.

Tick-tock, only ten minutes remain! I must locate his office and submit my homework before 4 PM. I sprinted through the halls, seeking the aid of my fellow teachers.

And with their assistance, I finally obtained the room number of Ryuto Sensei's office. Finding it was akin to discovering a needle in a haystack, hidden away from the other classrooms and offices.

As I approached his door, I overheard his voice, full of conviction and excitement, "Come on, trust me. You will be a valuable addition. Don't be timid."

And then, a timid feminine voice responded, "Please Sensei, I beg of you. I only wish to pursue my dream of becoming a model. Don't make me part of this."

Slowly, I pushed open the door and peered inside, intrigued by the scene playing out before me. Ryuto Sensei appeared content and pleased, holding a phone in his hand.

Is he watching a video? No, for I soon realized he was capturing a video of his own making.

I inched closer, curiosity getting the better of me. And what I witnessed would have taken me aback, if not for Yozora's forewarning yesterday.

There, before me, stood a young woman in undergarments, tears streaming down her face as she stood before Ryuto Sensei.

I recall speaking fondly of this place at the beginning. I referred to it as "a place where one's dreams comes true".

It was not just a turn of phrase, it was the embodiment of truth.

If your passion is to shine on the silver screen, the movie club awaits you, and with it, stardom.

And for those who yearn to bring their manga to life, the art club offers the perfect platform, with the promise of finding a sponsor to bring your creation to the masses.

In this school, every dream can become a reality, a chance to be discovered, much like being hand-picked for a job while still in college.

It is no longer just a school, but a thriving business, owned by one of the most successful entrepreneurs in Japan, Mr. Nakamura. Now you know why this school is named 'Nakamura School of Art'.

And this is why riches flow like a river in this institution.

Of course, running a school requires significant resources, but with the abundant wealth, inevitably comes temptation to engage in illicit activities.

One such example is making girls' exhibit their body to attract more money, which is strictly prohibited in Japan, but unfortunately still exists, driven by greed and a desire for financial gain.

It is a sad reality that this business, under the leadership of Mr. Nakamura, who hails from a different country, perpetuates such immoral acts.

Sadly, some students, lured by the promise of easy money, have become involved in this world, lured by the illusion of late-night classes, only to discover the darker reality.

Yeah, Late-night classes aren't education classes, if you know what I mean. Well why hide? Night-Clubs.

It is with a heavy heart that I fear witnessing my classmates succumb to such a future during my three years in high school.

"Come now, Akio. Show me the beauty of your form, the curves of your bust surpass all others. You would be a valuable addition to our late-night classes. Take your top off," Ryuto whispered seductively.

"I cannot," Akio whimpered, tears streaming down her face.

"Very well, your admission to this school may be revoked. I hold that power. I can make up any reasons, as I want. If you don't want that, show me" Ryuto threatened.

"Please, I have worked so hard to be here. Don't take it away," Akio begged.

Ryuto didn't say anything. He just stared at Akio's body seductively.

"Very well, I will comply," she surrendered with a heavy heart.

With each piece of clothing she removed, Ryuto's appreciation grew.

"And now, your panties as well," Ryuto demanded with a sly grin.

"I should close the door. I don't want to see this. Why do I care about a girl whom I don't even know? There are already many other girls who have fallen into this trap. I should go back home."

These should have been the thoughts I should have got at this moment. But something within me refused to abandon Akio.

[Yozora: ".....Don't worry about the school, it's a place of wonder, but there is a small piece of advice I would like to impart upon you. You may come across some unsavory sights, things you'd rather not see, and you may be tempted to get involved. But, I implore you, let wisdom be your guide and look the other way."]

Yozora had warned me to stay clear of these situations, but I could not ignore the call of my heart.

With a sudden burst of courage, I burst into the room and tackled Ryuto to the ground.

I snatched his phone from his grasp and shattered it, freeing Akio from his hold.

"RUNNN" I screamed as I handed her back her clothing.

"Kousei, what is the meaning of this?" Ryuto growled, grabbing me by the neck and slamming me against the wall.

My breaths came in short gasps, my vision starting to fade.

With all my might, I fought against his hold, trying to find something to use as a weapon. But nothing was within reach.

I was on the brink of losing hope. But then, with a raspy voice, I managed to utter a single word, "Run."

In that moment, Ryuto's grip loosened, and he turned his attention to the girl trying to escape.

I seized the opportunity. With all my strength, I swung my fist and connected with his jaw.

He fell to the ground. I couldn't stop. I continued to punch him.

I am not doing this for the girl in this room; I am doing it because I am scared.

What if Tsuki was in place of this girl?

Every time I think about that I punched him as hard, raining blow after blow upon him.

"Please, enough! He is already bleeding. He might die if you don't stop," Akio pleaded.

"You scoundrel! Why are you doing this? Have I wronged you in some way?" Ryuto gasped, clearly in pain.

"Are you kidding me?! How could you even ask that? Blackmailing a young woman into removing her clothes is reprehensible and goes against everything a teacher should stand for. They are meant to mentor and guide their students, not exploit them." I seethed with anger.

"Think about it, Kousei. This girl could bring in a significant amount of money for the school. It would help make other students' dreams a reality," Ryuto growled, trying to rationalize his actions.

"What do you believe women are, you old fool? Do you see them simply as objects to be used and controlled by men? As Damaris said, Women are special beings. They are special because they love to accomplish things and they love to work together to get what they want. Women have come so far in this world and that is what makes them so special. They have their dreams. So stop interfering with their life" I declared with conviction.

"Hmph, say what you will. Enjoy your last day at this school. I will do everything in my power to see that you and the girl are expelled," Ryuto threatened.

"Go ahead and try." I replied with a fearless glint in my eye.

"Ha! You're shaking in your boots, kid. Don't pretend to be so brave," Ryuto taunted.

With a steely determination, I took the girl's hand in mine and turned to Ryuto.

"Do it. Expel us. I dare you. The moment you do, I'll be marching straight to the police station with this girl. So, if you have the guts, do it."

Ryuto said nothing, but I could see the fear in his eyes.

To be honest, I wanted to take her to the police station anyway. But I didn't. Because many other students in this school are willing to do the act of prostitution to gain more money to make a living.

So, if she complained about this to the police, I am pretty sure the police would have searched the whole school and arrested everyone who are involved in this type of stuff.

Of course, everyone involved with something illegal like this should be punished. However, I don't think that is justice in this situation.

"Mark my words, Kousei, you will pay for this," Ryuto warned as I walked out of the office with the girl.

We walked away without looking back.

"Thank you so much. I will never forget this. I am forever in your debt," the girl said, her eyes shining with gratitude.

"No, don't say that. You are free now, like a bird. May all your dreams come true," I replied, my heart swelling with emotions.

As she hugged me tightly, I felt her warmth and vitality, and I knew that I had made the right decision.

"My name is Hanekawa Akio. It's nice to meet you," she introduced herself with a smile.

"And I am Kousei, Satou Kousei," I replied