
Narration: Hanekawa Akio

Hi, my name is Hanekawa Akio. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

As I mentioned before, my heart's desire is to become a model. Not just any model, but a seductive, alluring model who exudes sensuality and grace. 

My parents are very devout, so they strongly object to my aspirations. They believe it's inappropriate for their daughter to display her skin for all to see.

In Japanese culture, it's not common to show skin in public, and perhaps that's why my parents are so opposed to it. I don't know if religion is a factor in their decision, but nonetheless...'s my dream, and I've been begging and pleading with my father to let me attend this school. Despite his initial refusal, I persisted until he finally agreed, but with one condition.

"GET OUT FROM MY HOUSE. Go find a place closer to your school and DO WHATEVER YOU WANT," my father said.

You might see him as a strict, unyielding parent, but deep down, he loves me deeply. I know this to be true.

How do I know? When I left home, my father didn't even say goodbye. But when I arrived at my new apartment and unpacked my bags, I found a letter from him, along with 500,000 yen in cash (about 4,500 USD).

His letter read, "I don't want you to go. I didn't want to send you away. But the experience of living on your own will help you in the future."

With my father's love and support, I will be able to make it on my own. And once I start earning a salary, I'll be sure to repay my parents for all they've done for me.

Narration: Hanekawa Akio: End


Hanekawa Akio is a young woman with a dream of becoming a model.

She's shorter than Tsuki and has a delicate, fragile appearance, yet she remains unshaken and resolute in the face of adversity.

Earlier, she was crying, but as soon as she stepped out of that office, she put on a brave face and started smiling and jumping around like a playful, happy bunny.

A bunny who was almost hunted by a sly fox, until I came to her rescue.

I admire her strength and courage, even though she may be putting on a strong front for others.

The thought of so many young women falling prey to foxes like that is deeply disturbing.

I've never seen Akio in Class A or B, so she must be from another department.

"Hanekawa Akio, can you tell me how you came to be in that man's clutches?"

"Sure, you can call me Akio-chan. And ask me that question again, but using my nickname this time. If you don't, I won't respond."

She's trying to be cute, acting like a little wannabe model.




"Oooo? Chan?"

As I looked at her face, she burst into laughter.

"Haha, I said call me Akio-chan, not cast some cursed magic," she said with a rosy blush.

I chuckled in response.

"Very well, I'll allow you to call me simply "Akio," then. Hmph," she replied, giving me a lighthearted smirk.

"So, tell me, Akio, how did you find yourself in Ryuto's trap?" I asked, filled with concern.

"As I mentioned earlier, my dream is to become a model. I came here to make that dream a reality. So, five days ago, the model club held an introduction session. All the first-year members were asked to attend, and that was when I discovered that Ryuto-sensei was the club's mentor.

During the session, he gave a rousing speech about how this school can help make our dreams come true, and he promised to guide us to success.

Two days ago, he approached me in class and asked to meet with me during lunch break. However, I was preoccupied with moving into my new apartment near the school and had forgotten all about it.

This morning, he came to me again and told me, "Rule #1 of being a model: always accept and obey your mentor or manager." I was frightened, thinking he might bar me from joining the club. So I shared my concerns with the other first-year members.

Out of the 35 first-years, only five were invited to meet with Ryuto-sensei in his office. I was one of them. When I asked the other four girls why he had summoned us, they replied, 'Well, a cheat code to get more money? Just accept what he says if you want more money.'

And that's how I ended up in his office." She said as I saw fear in her eyes.

I listened intently to her story, eager to share it with Yozora and ask him to give Tsuki some insight.

"Ah, I feel so sad for those other four girls," she added with a sigh.

"Don't worry," I reassured her. "Just take care and stay safe from these predators masquerading as men."

She told me she had to go to the clubroom, and I accompanied her there before returning to the school gate, my classes for the day finished.

As I walked, my mind was filled with thoughts about all that had happened. Suddenly, I remembered, "Ah, no! I left my bag in Ryuto's office!"

Should I go back now? Is it safe? These were the questions racing through my mind. But my bag was there, and he would surely do me no harm, so I decided to return to his office.

To my surprise, two bags were outside his office door, and although the door was locked, one of them was mine. I chuckled at the thought that he might have carelessly thrown it out.

I opened the other bag and found a notebook, and to my shock, it was Akio's. She too had forgotten her bag.

I didn't want to disturb her club session, so I walked up to her clubroom, slightly opened the door, and peered inside. The Akio I saw was not the same cheerful girl I had spoken with just a moment ago.

She was sobbing, her tears flowing freely in the empty classroom. She had lied about the club session, and she just needed to cry from the heart.

Without disturbing her or without letting my presence known to her, I closed the door and placed her bag near the door.

I didn't want to disturb her while she was in such a vulnerable state. So, I tiptoed away, leaving her to her quiet moment.

The world can be a treacherous place, full of sly and cunning Foxes.