As the days drifted by, my bond with Yozora flourished and bloomed like a tender flower.

Yozora, who was once active and beaming, was now pensive and reflective, lost in thought and daydreams. I wasn't worried. Because, I believe in him.

Though we hadn't talked about that subject much, I had faith he would come around and open up to me.

Since Kai is in Class B, we didn't get to spend as much time together. He had found a new friend in Karada Kin, but every now and then we would still meet, and every time he would offer words of encouragement and advice as I tried to muster up the courage to confess my love to Tsuki.

And so, with each passing day, my love for Tsuki only grew stronger, like a flame that burned brighter with each passing moment.

Finally, it was here, the day we had been waiting for, the Preparation Day.

The tasks for every student were posted on the school notice board, and Yozora and I made our way there to discover what our assignments would be.

My heart was pounding in my chest, my nerves were aflutter with excitement and anticipation.

[Yozora: "....It's the preparation day. All students, except Tsuki, will have tasks to complete, but she'll request to be assigned some work as well. I anticipate she'll be tasked with drawing artwork to adorn the first-floor classroom bulletin board, just like in our junior high days,"]

Just as Yozora had predicted, Tsuki was given the task of decorating the class board.


Narration: Kiyosumi Yozora

And what about me?

Oh, I have been tasked with cleaning the library, a simple and straightforward task.

"Tsuki got her art task, and I got an easy job cleaning the library. What about you, Kous-"

I didn't need to finish my sentence, for the look on his face told me all I needed to know. He was in pain, his eyes ablaze with hurt.

He had been given the hardest task of all, to clean the entire school.

The whole school! That was the task assigned to Kousei for the Preparation Day.

It was a Herculean task, for he would have to clean every nook and cranny, inside and out, including the grounds, the bathrooms, and more.

And to make matters worse, three of the six students assigned to this task were second-years, who would no doubt try to make the first-years do all the work.

Such was the way of second-years, showing their superiority over the first-years.

Narration: Kiyosumi Yozora: End


"So our plans are dashed now, right? Just like Kai feared, I got the hardest job," I asked Yozora.

"No, no, don't give up! We'll make it. Trust me. Just give it your best."

Trust him? Was he joking?

Cleaning the entire school would take more than six hours, and Tsuki would probably finish her art task in less than two.

There was no way I could confess to her today. All our waiting for nothing. Frustration seethed within me.

"Yeah, I'll do my best," I said to Yozora, my annoyance barely concealed.

According to the notice, I was supposed to meet six classmates at the front of the school, where we were all asked to gather.

However, there were only two people in sight, and they were both first-year students.

Two petite young ladies stood before me. By petite, I mean their dainty stature.

Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with working with women. As someone who advocates for women's rights and equality, I believe in empowering women. I believe this much is evident just by getting to know me a little.

One of the girls, Hanekawa Akio, was a familiar face.

It seems that Akio is getting more attention than Yozora and Tsuki.

"Hello there, Akio! How are you doing?" I greeted her with a warm smile.

She was taken aback by my greeting, her face turning a delicate shade of red.

"Haaaaa Kou-chan!!! I'm doing great, how about you? Oh, I see you're part of the cleaning crew too!"

She still calls me Kou-chan!

"Yes, yes. We have a lot of work to do, we should probably get started soon," I responded.

"Do you know this guy?" The other girl asked Akio.

"Yes, yes... He's one of the most important people in my life," Akio replied, her eyes shining with warmth.

I couldn't help but feel a blush creep up my cheeks at her words.

"My name is Satou Kousei, it's a pleasure to meet you," I introduced myself.

"I'm Watanabe Yuki! Ummm... Satou Kousei? I've never seen you before, but I've heard your name. Which class are you in?" she asked.

Wait, Watanabe Yuki? Isn't that the name of the girl who rejected Yozora?

"Class A," I answered.

"Class A? You're in Yozora's class, aren't you?" she asked.

"Yes I am And how do you know about Yozora? Is he that popular Haha" I acted as if I didn't know, trying not to waste any time.

"Oh, we went to the same Junior High, and I remembered your name. I think Yozora mentioned you once. He said he made a friend at this school. But I don't know if he told you, that ugly pig actually had the audacity to ask me out. Can you believe that?" Yuki sneered.

"If you don't watch your mouth, I'll punch a hole in your face," I heard myself say before I could stop myself.

Oh no, I shouldn't have said that! Haha, I like how I wanted not to waste my time on her and now I say this to her. Well, she deserved that I guess.

Everything went silent.

I've never raised my voice towards a woman before.


Now, I regret my outburst. I just wanted to finish the task as soon as possible and apologize.

But then,

"Hey hey, stop! We were assigned to finish this task today, let's not waste our time with this. We should get to work," Akio intervened, trying to calm the situation.

"But did you hear what he said?" Yuki complained

Ahh, I am truly beginning to hate this girl. She carries herself like a pampered princess, and I am at a loss to understand how Yozora finds her appealing.

Akio valiantly attempted to soothe her, and I know that was no easy feat. Miraculously, she succeeded.

Thanks to Akio's efforts, we were able to commence our work.

I was tasked with using a lawnmower to clear the overgrown grass from the grounds, a laborious endeavor given that each ground measured a sprawling 100 meters.

Akio was delegated the task of cleaning the bathroom, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that Yuki forced her into that chore.

Yuki was occupied with cleaning the road from the front gate to the school building.

As the hours passed, we tackled various other tasks.

After 45 minutes of hard work, Yuki declared that she was exhausted and requested a break. I countered, asserting that only 10% of the work had been completed and that I was not willing to waste a whole day.

I fear I may have been unreasonable in denying them a break. Was my selfishness to blame?

"Yuki, if you need a rest, take one. I will assist Kousei-Kun in the meantime," Akio said, her voice gentle.

"Fine, do as you please, you normies," Yuki replied petulantly before leaving us to work alone.

The silence between Akio and I was palpable, filled with awkwardness.

She gazed at me, her cheeks a rosy hue, while I kept my eyes averted.

Just as the awkwardness was reaching its peak, a man appeared, making the situation even more uncomfortable.

"Well well, look what we have here! The hero and his belle," Ryuto declared jovially.

Crap! This was the worst possible timing. Should I remain quiet or should I speak up?

"Good afternoon, Akio. You two look like a lovely couple, hehe," he said with a chuckle.

Neither of us responded.

Akio inched closer to me, and I stood in front of her like a shield.

"No response? Oh well, I have to ask. How many times have you shared a bed with Kousei-Kun?" Ryuto queried, his words vile.

How could he utter such disgraceful words to his students?

"Sensei, please refrain from speaking that way. We haven't done anything like that," Akio said, her voice shaking.

"Aww, what a shame. By the way, how is the task progressing? I requested the relevant teachers to assign you three to this grueling chore. You guys should Suffer, hehe! And this is only the beginning of my revenge," he chuckled wickedly.

So it was he who assigned us this task as a means of exacting his revenge. But how did Yuki factor into all of this? Did she decline his offer as well? Perhaps Yozora knows the answer.

Should I inquire about it?

I was seething with anger at his waste of our time, but I held my tongue, fearful of lashing out and striking him down again.

"Revenge? Are you trying to pick a fight with your students?" a voice came from my behind. "Huhu, how times have changed,"

Once again! Even though I couldn't help him. He is here again at the perfect time.

It was them, Yozora and Kai.

They are here to save the day!