
Narration: Sasaki Kai

Before I delve deeper into the story, allow me to introduce a character who holds a special place in my heart - Karada Kin. Though he may only be a side character like myself, he deserves to be properly introduced.

Karada Kin hails from one of the wealthiest families in Japan. His father is a millionaire who runs a company that produces muscle-building protein powder. You could say that Karada Kin was born into the world of protein powders and he has been using them since a young age.

He started working out and now, at the tender age of 16, he boasts a towering height of 195cm, making him a stark contrast to my 163cm stature. Yeah, he looks like that actor who says "GET TO THE CHOPPA".

Why am I not saying this actor's name?? Well, it would take me 10 hours to say his last name correctly.

I once asked Karada Kin the same question about love that I had asked Yozora and Kousei. After I heard his response, I vowed to never ask this question to anyone else again.

So what was his answer? He told me, "Love? Pfft! I don't have time for that. Why waste time thinking about love when you can build muscles and be happier? Building muscles gives you more happiness than falling in love. Love is just a controlled emotion by the Limbic System in the brain. But muscles are made up of water, protein, fat, and glycogen, and building them increases your metabolic rate. Love just leads to depression."

As he spoke, he posed and flexed his muscles, but I couldn't bring myself to respond to such a foolish statement. Happiness, like love, is also an emotion controlled by the Limbic System. He thinks that the only way to experience true emotions is through bodybuilding. But love is complex, and that's what makes it beautiful.

According to Sternberg, love is composed of three elements - passion, intimacy, and commitment.

Narration: Sasaki Kai - End.


"Revenge? Are you trying to pick a fight with your students?" Kai asked, taken aback by the hostility in the air.

"Well, how times have changed," Yozora added with a smirk.

"Yozora? Kai? Why are you here?" asked Ryuto, surprised to see them.

"We just wanted to check on Kousei. Is there a problem with that, Ryuto sensei?" Yozora replied coolly.

"Oh, stop interrupting them and go finish your tasks, kids," Ryuto retorted, clearly annoyed.

"Interrupting? I think you're the one interrupting them," Kai said, equally annoyed.

"We've already completed our tasks and now we're here to help the cleaning team. So please stop disturbing them, they have work to do," Yozora added, his tone firm.

I was taken aback by their aggressive behavior towards Ryuto. I hadn't told Yozora about Akio, and I was surprised to see him talking to Ryuto like that. Did he know something that I didn't?

Their hostility made Ryuto leave, clearly angry. I feared we would all get zero marks on the upcoming tests.

"Thanks, guys! You saved my skin," I said, relieved.

"No problem, no problem," Yozora replied nonchalantly.

"So, how's the cleaning going? Just the two of you, or was there someone else too?" Kai asked.

"Ah, there's still more than 90% of the work left, and there was a girl with us, but she said she needed a break for a drink," I said to them.

I couldn't tell him who she was just like that.

"Well, let's get started," Yozora said.

"Start what?" I asked, turning to him with a questioning gaze.

"I told you before, didn't I? We've finished our task and now we're here to help you finish yours," he replied.

I found myself unable to resist his offer. "Yes, let's start."

"Great, it's the perfect time to call him," Yozora said, his voice ringing with excitement.

"I already called him. He'll be here any moment now," Kai chimed in, his eyes twinkling with happiness.

I was confused. "Call who? What are you guys talking about?"

"You're probably thinking, 'Call who? What are you guys talking about?' Right?" Yozora asked with a mischievous smile.

My mind was racing. Did he just read my thoughts?

"Haha, don't worry about it. Just look over there," Yozora said, pointing in the distance.

I strained my eyes to see, but the object was too far away for me to focus on it. I tried harder, and suddenly, I could make out a massive shape, speeding towards us.

"Yozora! It's a truck! It's coming fast! We need to run, I don't want to get hit," I cried out, fear rising in my chest.

"What? Truck? Haha, what are you talking about? That's a person," Kai corrected, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

I was shocked. "A person? Really?"

As the massive figure approached, I could see that it was a huge, muscular human, standing tall like a bison. He was showing off his muscles, posing and flexing.

"That's Karada Kin, 195 cm tall and 80 kilograms," Kai said, admiration in his voice.

My heart skipped a beat as I realized that this person might be a STAND USER!!. "Karada Kin! I've heard that name before!"

"Nice to meet you, Satou Kousei. I'm from class B," Kin introduced himself, his voice deep and confident.

I was in awe of him. He was like a lion from that popular Chronicles of Nar-something series, but even more dangerous. I couldn't remember the name, but I felt like it was to prevent a copyright strike.

"So Kin, show them what you can do with those big muscles," Kai said, a playful glint in his eye.

Kin didn't hesitate, he ripped off his shirt and started to do the tasks with astonishing speed. "Here I go!"

"Ahh, watching him do all the work is motivating me," Kai said, his voice filled with excitement.

I was at once motivated and embarrassed. I was a boy too, but I couldn't do what Kin was doing.

"Let's join him! Let's finish this task once and for all," I said, eager to help.

But Yozora stopped me. "What are you doing? Why are you trying to do the task? If you're doing it, why are we here? Run away and confess your love to her. Shuu shuuu, run away"

Confused, I replied, "What do you mean? I want to help too."

Yozora smiled and responded, "We appreciate the offer, but we have it under control. Kin, Kai, that charming side character girl, and the one who went on a coffee break, we have them all."

I countered, "Well, the side character girl has more screen time than you do! BOOM! But seriously, That coffee break girl is the problem."

Curious, Yozora asked, "What do you mean?"

"It's her, Watanabe Yuki," I explained.

"Ah, I see," He said, comprehending the situation.

After a moment of silence, Yozora continued, "That's it. You have nothing to worry about, Kousei. My story is over. This is your story, the story of your love."

The story of my love.

"I'll count from one to ten, and if you're still here, I'll have Kin throw you to the third floor," Yozora warned with a playful smile.

Surprised, I asked, "What?"

"Ha ha, you can leave this to us. Now go," Yozora encouraged as he smiled.

I spun on my heels and ran up the stairs to the third floor.

"THANK YOU," I shouted back to Yozora and the others.

As I climbed the seemingly endless stairs, my thoughts drifted back to the first day I met her. I didn't even know her name then, but now I am about to confess my love to her. If all goes well, this story will have a happy ending.

Finally, I reached the third floor and slowly made my way to the first room. I peeked inside, and just as Yozora had predicted, Tsuki was there, all alone.

My heart began to race, not from excitement this time, but from fear. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself. I hadn't prepared what I was going to say. I should have read some reference books. What should I say? Should I go back down and ask Yozora for help?

No, I can do this. I must act quickly before someone interrupts.

With a newfound resolve, I pushed open the door and stepped inside.

Here we go.

Just as I was about to approach Tsuki, a voice called out, "Hey, what do you think you're doing?"

I spun around to see Daichi and a girl I didn't recognize.

Without a word, Daichi entered the room and approached Tsuki, leaving the girl and I facing each other.

"Do you really think you can disturb Tsuki while I'm on watch? On Kumori's watch?" the girl, Kumori, challenged.

I knew Yozora and Kai had spoken of Kumori like she was the main antagonist of the story, but to me, she just appeared to be a normal, beautiful girl. What did they mean? Is her personality truly that bad? I didn't know, and I didn't understand why she was here.

Because I am quite confident that this was not a part of Yozora's prediction.

"I did not intend to cause any disturbance. My only aim is to have a peaceful conversation with her," I stated calmly.

"CONVERSATION WITH HER? Who do you think you are to disturb her peace? I will not allow anyone to cause her any discomfort," Kumori snapped.

As our eyes met, I noticed Tsuki glancing in our direction, but she quickly looked away.

"I have already made it clear that my intentions are not to cause any disturbance. Furthermore, what about Daichi? He is the one who is intruding upon her peace," I pointed out.

"Do you really believe you are on the same level as Daichi? Know your place, dear. People like you will only bring tarnish to Tsuki's radiance. So, please do not approach her any further," Kumori warned sternly.

I stood there and looked at her. I wanted to say something back but I didn't wanted to make any scene there.

But, seeing my silence Kumori used her freedom. "TRASHES LIKE YOU WILL MAKE TSUKI DIRTY. SO RUN AWAY YOU TRASH"

It seems as though this story is far from over, to be continued.