HERO - 2


Daichi was striding towards the door to open it.

Can I do anything about it? There must be a way for me to save her.

"TSUKI, RUN AWAY! PLEASE, RUN!" I shouted with all my might, hoping she would hear and escape.

I summoned all my strength and crawled towards Daichi. I was so close to grabbing his shoe, but one of the thugs pulled me away.

The other kicked me in the mouth, shoving his foot into my mouth.


There's nothing I can do!

Where are you, Yozora? Kai? Kin? Anyone! Please help Tsuki!

Daichi slowly opened the door. The bright sunlight streaming in made my injured eye hurt, so I closed my eyes.

That's when I heard a loud crash. I opened my eyes to see Daichi collapsing to the ground. The two thugs ran to him, leaving me behind.

It was like a scene from a superhero movie.

"HEY, YOU SON OF A GUN! I think you forgot who the real main character is! IT'S ME! I'm the main character! But why do they get all the cool scenes?" My heart swelled with joy as I spoke.

My voice broke, and I felt tears welling up.

People associate dark or black colors with bad things, like black cats being unlucky. But that is just some bullshit someone made.

It wasn't sunlight that came through the door, it was the dark starry night sky.

"Oi, oi, oi! What do you think you're doing to my boy? What's this, three against one? How pathetic," Yozora scoffed, sending Daichi to the ground with a swift kick.

He saw my message! Relief washed over me like a tidal wave. Finally, a breath of air.

"HA! I DID IT! I SAVED HER!" I bellowed triumphantly.

"Yozora, back for revenge? Your injury is aching again? Heh, Don't get too cocky! It's the survival of the fittest, mate. If he couldn't handle us, he is just a weak son of a bitch," Daichi taunted.

"Survival of the fittest? Cut the crap. There's no need to justify yourself. Either way, you're getting your butt kicked," Yozora retorted.

"Looks like it's time for you to get your ass kicked! Three against one again, let's go! What are you gonna do about that little crybaby Yozora." Daichi called for backup.

"Huhu, That's my secret captain. I'm not alone," Yozora replied as Kai and Kin appeared beside him.

Expected an epic fight showdown, but reality hit differently.

My massive friend Kin strolled up to the asshole trio, his massive fingers tapping Daichi's nose. One flick, and CRACK—Daichi's nose broke like a firecracker in a library—loud, sudden, and causing pain.

Daichi howled in agony as the others lunged at Kin. But Kai joined the fray, standing tall beside Kin.

Kin, prepping for a record-breaking performance, used his strength to shield me. And Kai, avoiding junk foods to keep his face clean for an upcoming role, now took hits on his face meant for me.

These guys, usually in the background, were now my frontline warriors.

"I'm sorry, Kai. Kin, I never—"

Yozora dashed to my side, assessing my condition.

"Don't you dare judge me by appearance. I did fight," I teared up a little bit

He simply grinned, saying nothing.

Then, Yozora seized Daichi by the hair, a fierce declaration in his eyes.

"See this? Not a fair fight, it was three against one! Kousei's the true victor. He called for backup while you aimed to harm. Look at you now, outdone in every way. Checkmate." Yozora continued, "A wise man once told me, 'Next time you see us... RUN'!".

Releasing Daichi, Yozora called off Kai and Kin. He directed their focus to help me.

My mind buzzed with questions. What was this 'revenge' they talked about? Yozora and Daichi—did they have history? That was another mystery I was determined to unravel.


Narration: Kiyosumi Yozora

Why do I always get the best scenes? Don't make me laugh, Kousei! What could be cooler than this? You protected the girl you love, even when the odds were stacked against you.

I know that you did not do it to seek her attention. You did it to save her, even trying to keep your heroism a secret. You fought to protect her smile.

To be honest, I'm feeling a bit envious right now.

When I first met you, you were unable to speak up for yourself. But now, here you are, covered in blood and standing up for yourself and the one you love.

There's nothing more to be proud of. And it makes me proud to call you my friend.

Thank you, Kousei!


The shout belonged to Kumori, who was understandably upset. After all, the boy she loved was lying on the ground, beaten and bloodied, by people she despised.

I walked up to her. I know many of you probably don't like her, and I can't say I do either. But she's not a bad person.

Let me explain. In their first year of junior high, Kumori and Tsuki were rivals. They were both beautiful, but Tsuki was getting more attention. The saddest part was that Tsuki didn't even see Kumori as a rival.

So, in order to gain attention, Kumori swallowed her pride and asked Tsuki to be friends. She genuinely cares for Tsuki, but she was also a huge fan of Daichi back in junior high. It's understandable that it would hurt to see the boy she likes now expressing interest in her former rival.

As I stood in front of the door, blocking Kumori's entry, she pleaded,


She was desperate and tearful. I wasn't sure what to do, but this seemed like the perfect opportunity for a bit of payback. Should I do it? It could be entertaining.

"Calm down, Kumori-chan. I don't really want to talk to you, but look over there. Do you recognize that person?" I pointed towards Kousei.

"What? Stop trying to dodge the issue. Get out of here now," Kumori yelled.

"Relax, I'm not trying to dodge anything. Stop shouting and answer my question." I fixed her with a stern gaze.

"That's Kousei?" she said in a quiet voice.

"Good, you know how to speak in a normal tone and you recognize who he is. That's excellent. Now you can leave. I won't allow someone like you to come near Kousei," I stated firmly.

"What? That doesn't make sense. Why?" she asked, confused.

"Because people like you will only dirty Kousei. Get out of here, you trash,", I told her the words she once said during the preparation day

I know it was childish, and I felt like a jerk for saying it, but when I looked at Kousei, I saw that he was laughing. And that's all I needed.

"Trash? How dare you! I'm going to report you right now," she yelled as she stormed off.

I realized that we might get suspended from school because of this. I'll try to protect Kousei, Kai, and Kin. I'll take the blame and say that I did it as revenge. Mr. Nakamura might believe that story.

"Hey guys, let's just let them go. No need to take them to the hospital. And be prepared," I warned Kai and Kin.

"For what?" asked Kai.

"It might be our last day at this school," I sighed.

Narration: Kiyosumi Yozora: The End.


  1. RIP Bray Wyatt