After that intense battle, Yozora immediately took me to the hospital. Unfortunately, I missed the cultural performances I was looking forward to seeing. Ha-

Forget that, the most important thing was that Tsuki was safe.

I'm not sure what happened to Daichi after the fight, but I hope he received medical treatment too. He was badly and dangerously injured.

I kept my actions from the previous day a secret and told my mother that I fell down the stairs. She believed my story.

I wanted to skip school today because of my own injuries. My face was covered in stitches and bandages. However, I knew that all the club members would be at school, giving me a chance to see Tsuki.

But at the same time, I also wanted to stay in bed all day. With a sigh, I got up from bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I'm eager to uncover the identity of the person who sent me the email. Did they have forewarning of an impending event and urge me to stop it? It's all leaving me feeling dizzy. But why me? Someone who knows that I still love Tsuki.

If you thought the previous chapters were surprising, hold on, this one is about to be even more unexpected.

As I was brushing my teeth, I heard something coming from the TV in the main hall of my house.

I rushed over and what I saw was one of the most shocking news reports I have ever witnessed. "Mr. Bajin Ryuto and Mr. Nakamura Daichi were arrested by the Tokyo Police this morning for a rape attempt."

I dropped my toothbrush in shock. RYUTO SENSEI AND DAICHI ARRESTED?? How did the police find out? And why Ryuto Sensei?

"That's your teacher, isn't it? You should stay away from all that trouble," said my mother, unaware of my involvement.

I called Yozora to ask about the news and found out that he was also in the dark.

"Kousei? I received an email from your school," said my mother.

Oh no! I quickly grabbed the phone from her and read the message.

"Satou Kousei, Kiyosumi Yozora, Sasaki Kai, and Karada Kin are requested to be present at school today. From Principal Nakamura Tomi.

"What's that about?" my mother asked, trying to take a look.

"It's nothing," I tried to play it off.

"Nothing? I want to see it," she insisted.

"No, trust me. It's not important," I said sternly.

"Alright," she reluctantly agreed.

I deleted the message to keep it from her and quickly left for school, feeling nervous and hungry after skipping breakfast.

I finally arrived at school and was about to enter my classroom.

"THANK YOU!" my classmates cheered as I entered the room, which was decorated with balloons, glitter bombs, and more. It was like a party.

I was confused until I saw what was written on the blackboard:


The same classmates who talked trash about me during our first year were now hugging and lifting me up.

I spotted Yozora, who was sitting at his desk with a proud smile on his face.

I understand what led to this.

Apparently, our principal informed the students about my actions, but he kept the name of the girl I saved a secret. So, they know that I was the one who stood up to Daichi, but they don't know the name of the girl. I wonder why the others' names were not mentioned.

Well, I enjoyed the celebrations and felt a sense of pride, but it was short-lived when we were asked to go to the principal's office.

Nakamura Tomi is a genius businessman and the owner of our school, that's all I know about him.

Together with Yozora, Kai, and Kin, I entered the principal's office.

The atmosphere was intimidating, and I found it hard to look at the principal's face.

"Before we begin, I want to thank you for saving that girl. Well done, this is exactly what I expect from my students," said Nakamura san.

We simply nodded our heads, not responding to his praise.

"Now, let's get down to business. I don't want to waste your time, so I'll be quick. You four will be suspended from this school for the next three months, and you won't be able to attend club activities either.", a serious decision he told without even a hint of emotion on his face.

Suspended for three months? And banned from club activities? That's terrible. The other three are all club members, and I don't want them to be suspended.

"Excuse me, but may I ask why? Is it because Daichi is your son?" asked Yozora, clearly upset with the principal's decision.

"My son? Hahu Hahu, do you think that's why they were arrested? A girl told me about how you all were assaulting my son yesterday. So when he came home from the hospital, I asked him about his injury. I taught all of my four children not to lie, and he told me the truth.

He was rejected by the girl and was angry and disappointed. The idea to violate and ruin her future was given to him by Ryuto. And that's how he decided to do it. I already knew what Ryuto was up to for the past few years, I was just waiting for the right opportunity to catch him.

Ruining a girl's life because of your own flaws? THAT'S LOW. I DON'T WANT A SON WHO WOULD DO THAT.

So I called the police and had them arrest these LOW-LIVES," said Nakamura, while spinning on his office chair.

So, it was Nakamura Tomi who had Daichi and Ryuto arrested? I was surprised to learn that Nakamura may not have been involved in the school's illegal activities after all. I had always suspected that he had a role in running the nightclub, but he claimed to be trying to catch Ryuto in the act. However, as the principal and owner of the school, it's hard to believe that he was completely unaware of what was going on.

Even though he's often traveling on business, it seems unlikely that he wouldn't have any idea. It's possible that he's lying to protect himself, and he certainly doesn't have to admit anything. If he can shift the blame onto Ryuto and have him arrested, he might be able to avoid any consequences.

But there seems to be a inconsistency.

Because Daichi told me he made a deal with Kumori. If he went on a date with her, she would let him do whatever he wanted with Tsuki. He didn't even mention Ryuto's name.

"Yes, you did the right thing by stopping him, BUT BREAKING SOMEONE'S BONES AND HURTING SOMEONE PHYSICALLY IS ALSO AGAINST THE SCHOOL RULES," Nakamura continued without waiting for our response.

What's he talking about? How were we supposed to stop Daichi without hurting him?

But I don't want the others to be punished. I was the one who made them do it. So, I have to take responsibility.

Before I could even interject, Yozora spoke up with confidence.

"I disagree! It was Daichi who threw punches and kicks at Kousei, and he was the one who summoned me to the scene. And yes, he did fight for that girl, but I was the one who caused the bones to break. You know how much I despise Daichi, so I took that chance to get my revenge."

"Oh, so the grudge still exists, Yozora?" Nakamura-san asked with a hint of amusement.

"I wanted to forget about it, but the scars on my body won't let me. And if given the chance, I won't hesitate to break your bones as well," Yozora retorted.

The rest of us were completely bewildered by the exchange and had no idea what they were referring to. The term "revenge" is back again.

Why is Yozora trying to take all the blame onto himself?

But before we could figure it out, Kai stepped forward and declared, "Sir, what Yozora said is false. We did it together."

Kin added, "I even have the cut I got while breaking Daichi's nose bone."

I didn't want them to suffer the consequences, especially since they came to this school with the hopes of being selected by companies through their club activities. These were crucial times in their lives.

So, I took it upon myself to clear their names. "With all due respect, Nakamura-san, I kindly request that you remove their names from the suspension list. I was the one who made them do it, so it's not their fault. You can check my phone records if you need to. I am willing to accept any and all punishments for my actions."

"What are you talking about? Stop acting like that. You don't have to bear the consequences alone," Yozora protested.

But I stood my ground. "Please, Yozora, let me do this. It's the right thing to do."

Nakamura-san nodded, impressed. "Okay then, I'll remove their names from the list, but you will face a six-month suspension from school. Is that acceptable to you?"

The thought of not seeing her or spending the last moments of my second year with my friends was painful, but I couldn't let them suffer the consequences. I had made them do it, and I was willing to pay the price.

"May I still sit for the second-year exams?" I asked Nakamura-san.

"Kousei, don't agree to this!" Yozora interjected.

Nakamura-san replied, "Yes, you will be allowed to write the exams. So, what's your final decision?"

I took a deep breath and answered, "I agree."

Yozora was fuming and left without another word. I knew he would come back around soon enough.

I talked to Kin and Kai, and things got pretty intense. At first, they were mad, but then they changed. They ended up thanking me, which felt weird. I thought I should've been the one thanking them instead.

And so, I was suspended from school. While it was a difficult decision, it also meant that there would be no Yozora or Tsuki during my third year, which would make the transition easier for me.

I had planned to spend my time studying using YouTube and watching more anime, but fate had other plans in store for me.