

I took my phone in hand and messaged Yozora, hoping for a glimmer of hope.

Kousei: "Hey Yozora, please tell me more about her. I need to know."

Yozora: "What's going on, Kousei? Why the sudden urgency?"

Kousei: "I'll explain later, but first I need to know about Tsuki's life."

Yozora: "Well, if you're free now, come meet me at the train station. I'll be waiting for you."

I rushed to the station, my heart heavy with the weight of rejection.

When I arrived, I saw Yozora standing there with Kai and Kin by his side. They seemed to be headed somewhere together.

"Hey Kousei, catch!" Kai threw me a can of Coke.

I caught it and took a grateful gulp, my thirst and exhaustion momentarily quenched.

"So, where are you guys going?" I asked.

"We're going to a club meeting," Kai replied. "Different schools are meeting up in Chiba to make new friends."

"It's a nightmare for introverts like us," Yozora added with a forced smile.

"At least I can show off my muscles to new people," Kai said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Do you want to come with us, Kousei?" Kai asked. "We still have 40 minutes until the train arrives."

"I'd rather not," I replied. "If Nakamura sees me, he'll kick you guys out too."

"Alright, Kin and Kai, wait here," Yozora said, taking me to a nearby restaurant. "Kousei and I have something to discuss."

"So, what's going on?" Yozora asked as soon as we were seated.

"I confessed my love and got rejected," I answered, my voice barely above a whisper.

"What?! This can't be real! This has to be a dream!" Yozora exclaimed in disbelief.

"It's not a dream, Yozora," I replied. "And please, stop acting like this. We won't be able to stay here if you keep it up."

"I'm sorry," Yozora said, his expression turning serious. "But I still can't believe it. What did you do during the suspension period?"

"I learned one thing," I said with a sad smile. "Time doesn't wait for anyone."

Yozora nodded understandingly as we ordered our food.

"So, what do you want to know about Tsuki?" he asked.

"I was panicking because I made a mistake," I said, showing him my phone.

Yozora looked disappointed as he read my messages and said,

"Ay! You should not say things like these bro! Tsk! That's not good!"

Did he really just click his tongue? You know that everything has gone wrong when Yozora clicks his tongue.

"Ahm! I know, I'm so sorry," you say, but Yozora waves your apology away.

"There's no need to apologize to me," he says, a sad smile on his face. "I mean, you didn't know. I should have told you earlier, but I couldn't share someone else's story without their permission."

"But she said you would share her story!" I said. "That's why I texted you."

Yozora looks confused. "She did? I didn't read that part in your messages. Well, in that case, I'll tell you the story of Mitsui Tsuki, the girl you love."

I took a deep breath and nod, ready to hear Tsuki's story.

"Mitsui Tsuki, as you know, is the daughter of the famous Mitsui family, the richest family in Japan," Yozora begins. "The outside world praises them for their charity works and everything, but no one knows what goes on behind closed doors."

Yozora's eyes are distant, as if he's reliving a traumatic memory.

"I was lucky enough to know what was happening inside their house, but I paid the price for my curiosity. You remember when I told you about the slave puppet in my novel? It wasn't a made-up story. It was the story of Tsuki."

I felt a knot forming in my stomach.

"Tsuki has no freedom. She's controlled by her parents and grandparents, and has no say in any decisions made for her. Do you know what she hates the most? The name 'Mitsui.' Coming to this school, getting special treatment from the teachers, were all because of her family name, a name she despises. "

Yozora's voice drops, a sorrowful tone in his words. "When we were friends in junior high, she invited me to her house. I was so happy to be invited by someone who kept to herself, but when I got there, her dad kicked me out, calling me a vermin. He grabbed her by the hair and closed the gate. Can you imagine what she must have been going through?"

"A girl who has no say in her own life, who can only walk the roads her parents pave for her. If she deviates from their plan, she's punished. And do you know why she was angry when you mentioned Daichi? They were about to get engaged once, a deal made between their families for fame and money. Her mother was against it, but the pressure from her husband was too much, and it drove her to take her own life. After knowing about her Mother's demise Tsuki was scared, but not sad. I understand it because of how her mother treated her the whole life. "

Yozora pauses, his eyes shining with unshed tears. "But for the first time in her life, Tsuki said no. She tried to find a way out, and in a moment of desperation, she told them I was her boyfriend."

He takes a deep breath before continuing. "That same evening, Nakamura and his men along with some of Mitsui's men came to the park where I was playing with Kai. They called me out, and I foolishly followed them. They beat me, kicked me, and one of them even stabbed me with a pocket knife. I was a child back then and as I saw blood I was screaming. I really thought I was about to die. But think about it, STABBING A SMALL KID BECAUSE THEY THOUGHT I LOVED HER?"

The world is for all of us, But somehow it is for the rich.

"Look at this scar on my backside! It always aches when I see them! The constant reminder of the pain I endured. I thought I was going to die! But, I was saved because of Kai! He was following us and he saw me! He called the police and brought me to the hospital! I was so close to the end, but thankfully, Kai was there to save me. He saw what was happening and quickly called for help. I owe him my life.

I was scared of Tsuki for a while after that incident and I was angry too! However, I understood that she was doing that to run away from that! I was feeling sad for her! So I started inviting her to my house! And that is where she and Kai met! And somehow, we became great friends.

She started laughing! She started making jokes! In short, the Tsuki you see now is something that was born because of Kai and me!

Then, It was during the middle of the 2nd year of our Junior High, she invited me to her house again!

I was kinda worried and scared! But there was no problem! Her parents were out for some business and her grandmother was the only one who was in the house during that time!

The only person she loved from her family was her grandmother! That was when we talked a lot and I talked with her grandmother and learned about her family and more.

But the saddest part was when her father found out about my visit and he moved her grandmother to a retirement home, leaving Tsuki even more lonely.

Well, that is it! That is her story!

People say that money solves everything, but it's not true. Problems don't discriminate, they affect everyone, regardless of wealth, poverty, or skin color." Yozora finishes as he takes a look at a happy family sitting beside us in the restaurant.

That was a lengthy story, but I finally have the answers to many of the questions I had.

The revenge that Yozora and Nakamura spoke of, I was in the dark, ignorant and unaware. But now, the truth has finally surfaced, and it's a painful one.

The reason for Yozora's grandfather's concern for him, his inquiry about him being bullied, all makes sense now.

Tsuki's worries and the solace she found at the lake near our school, I understand it all now, and my heart aches for her.

Tsuki's anger towards me for saying Daichi's name, it all clicks now, but there's still something that remains unanswered.

A question that's still left hanging in the air, a mystery that's yet to be solved.

"I am sorry," I said, feeling guilty for my actions. "I had no idea she was going through such hardships. My ignorance was my downfall."

"You need to apologize to her! Not me," Yozora spoke softly, a hint of sadness in his voice. "She's not someone who holds grudges, so don't beat yourself up over it."

"But Yozora," I protested, "there's still one thing I need to know."

"What is it?" he asked, looking at me with a curious gaze.

"If she hates Daichi, then why did she hold his hand during the Tanabata festival? Even you were shocked. Does that mean she has feelings for him now?" I asked, trying to piece together the puzzle.

"Ha, if she were here right now," Yozora chuckled, "she would've given you a good kick. No, it's not love or anything like that. She doesn't have any feelings for Daichi. And yes, I was surprised, but not because of the sight of them holding hands. It was because of the person who was standing beside them. It was Mitsui-san. He was forcing her to attend the Tanabata festival and to hold hands with Daichi. Basically he still wants them to marry. I don't know how much longer she can deny her father."

"And yet she still said no," Yozora continued, "which is why Daichi was so angry and got easily manipulated to do what he did. But, now you understand why you received Nakamura's punishment even though you saved Tsuki. It was all because of their frustration."

I don't know if I should feel proud or heartbroken. The thought of Yozora saying that she will never marry Daichi is comforting, but I'm aware that the Mitsui family will pressure her into marrying someone else that they've chosen. They won't care about her own wishes.

So in short, I can never have her as my own. I was rejected, so it's not even worth thinking about.

"But Kousei, you're the only one who can save her. Make her fall in love with you, take her away from all her pain and worries. I have faith in you," Yozora encouraged, but his words felt empty.

"Are you being serious?" I replied, feeling defeated. "She rejected me."

"I know, I know," Yozora replied, his voice heavy with sadness. "But I have to go now, my train is coming soon. See you later." And with that, he walked away, leaving me with a sense of frustration.

He should have told me all this sooner, but I know he was doing what he thought was right. Nevertheless, it's still frustrating. Did she reject me to protect me? No way. I don't know. 

The idea that I'm the only one who can save her, it's a daunting one. Her history has only demotivated me. The chances of her falling in love with me are slim to none, and the thought of it is overwhelming.

I should stop wasting my time