I've always had a passion for soccer. I dreamed of playing professionally one day.

It was already my third year of high school, and yes my suspension was finally over. I have never felt this much boredom in my life. It was boring than my second year.

I don't need to explain what happened in my second year, it was dull and uneventful. But even during that boring time, I had a goal. I was in love with someone, which gave me purpose.

Unfortunately, that's not the case anymore. My suspension ended up being better than I thought, but it ultimately became a sad experience.

I'm trying hard to get over my feelings for Tsuki. I know I need to move on and stop loving her, or it'll only make me more unhappy. I've partly succeeded in this, but it's not easy.

I have no idea what Tsuki is up to now, and that's probably for the best. She's probably busy writing songs about her own experiences.

We haven't spoken since I confessed my feelings to her, and I've stopped sending her messages. I'm sure she's much happier now.

Yozora told me I was the only one who could save her, but I know that's not true. My love for Tsuki is like a ship that will never set sail.

I clearly recall that initial day when I first saw her, and I thought I had three long years ahead. But now, my final year is slipping away. Soon, we'll all be heading our separate ways. While everyone else was busy with their clubs, shaping their futures, I was stuck here, just studying and feeling dull.

I wanted to make a change too. I yearned for my future to take form. If I truly aspire to be a soccer player, I've got to start taking it seriously now. Otherwise, it'll end up on my list of regrets.

So I've thrown myself into soccer. I asked my dad to take me to practice matches and today he's invited me to play with the club he coaches. His friend will even be filming the game and sending the footage to my dream club's scouts, who happen to be friends with my dad.

I hope I get selected and make my dream of starting my career at that club a reality.

As I pack my soccer boots and shorts, I feel that this is the first step towards moving on.

Am I happy? No, how could I be? I've lost the love of someone I cared deeply about. Was it love, or just a crush? I don't know.

But I need to stop thinking about it and focus on my goals.

"Are you ready?" my dad asks me as we sit on the bus.

"This is a big step towards my dream," I reply.

"It's going to be tough," my dad warns. "The players in my club are all around 25 years old."

"I know, but I'll do my best," I reply, determination in my voice.

We arrive at Shibuya United soccer club in 20 minutes. My dad asked me to introduces myself to the players, who are all older than me but shorter.

"I'm Satou Kousei, 18 years old, and my dream is to be a professional football player. Nice to meet you all," I say confidently.

Soccer is not just a game! It is an emotion! As my Dad said, you can never back out from loving soccer! It is the only place where all humans are considered the same! No racism! No discrimination!

Soccer is Love! Soccer is Life!

I went to the dressing room to get myself prepared for the match. In the dressing room, I notice a photo hanging on the wall. It's a picture of my dad, with his old team and a Japanese team. I remember my dad telling me about a preseason game he played in, and how he missed a penalty that day.

"You found it," my dad says with a smile. "That was taken during the game I told you about."

Remember? Of course. They lost this game! And my dad was the one who missed the penalty! And it was later that day, he met my mom!

Hah, I was not expecting him to be the coach of the team he lost against!

My dad's friend came over, ready to record our soccer game.

The match began, and the first half was tough. We were behind 0-1 after they scored a goal and our defense was struggling to break through.

I was feeling frustrated with my performance, but I remembered the words of my soccer idol, Cristiano Ronaldo: "You have to believe in yourself and believe that you are the best. If you don't, you won't become a good player."

With this newfound confidence, I played my heart out in the second half. My teammates started to trust me more and I became more involved in the game.

In the end, we won the game 4-2, with me scoring three goals and making the fourth.

Everyone was impressed with my performance in the second half, and I felt happy and fulfilled. Other players came to shake my hand and compliment me, which made me feel even better.

After the game, my dad and I went to visit my dad's friend, Yamamoto Teishi, at his house. While walking there, I learned that Teishi was the captain of the Shibuya United team when my dad faced them, which was how they became friends.

When we arrived at Teishi's house, his wife served us drinks and insisted that we have lunch with them. During the meal, Teishi asked me about my school.

"So Kousei, which school are you in? And I believe you are the shinning star of your school team. Winning trophies and girls just like your Dad right?"

"Haha, I wish. But no... I didn't join our soccer club. I just practice daily with my father! And yeah, I am in the Nakamura School of Art in Tokyo" I said to him!

"WHAT? Jadon! Why didn't you tell me that sooner? My daughter's in the same school! Or I should say she was studying in that school" He started to punch my dad's shoulder gently as he said that

"Oh! For real? She was his senior? What is her name?" My dad asked him!

"No! No! Not a senior. She is the same age as Kousei, I think! And her name? Her name is Teishi Kumori" He said as he signals his wife to call her daughter from her room!

Kumori? That explains why the name 'Teishi' felt so familiar to me. I felt conflicted hearing her name again, as she was involved in a past situation that I haven't fully resolved.

The world is indeed a small circle!

Daichi told me that it was Kumori's idea that led him want to violate Tsuki. However, as Nakamura said, It was Ryuto who gave Daichi the idea and the one who pushed him to do it. So what really is Kumori's role in this story?

"Ah, Kumori! We know each other! But you said she were a student, what did you mean with the past tense?" I asked Yamamoto-san.

"Oh, she quit school," he replied.

Before I could respond, the sound of the door opening interrupted us. Kumori walked into the room, looking half conscious in a nightdress.

She quickly ran back to her room, shouting, "Mom! Why didn't you tell me he was here? Agh, he saw me in a nightdress!"

Everyone in the room burst out laughing. After a moment, she returned, fully dressed and with a red face.

I couldn't help but notice her demeanor had changed. Her usually confident and arrogant demeanor was now replaced with a defeated and sad expression. I remembered hearing that she loved Daichi, who was now in prison, and assumed that was the reason for her change in mood.

"Kousei-kun says you two know each other. Is he your friend?" Yamamoto-san asked Kumori.

"Friends? No, I don't think we're friends. But we do know each other," Kumori responded, looking down at the ground.

"Hey Kousei? Can I talk to you alone for a minute?" She asked


I was hesitant, wondering if this was some sort of trap, but I eventually agreed. She led me to her room and closed the door behind us, which made me even more nervous.

However, instead of harming me, she sat down on the floor and started crying. I approached her, handed her a handkerchief, and tried to comfort her.

"I am sorry Kousei", She said as tears bursted from her eyes.

"Why are you apologizing to me?" I asked her.

"I have done so much wrong to you and everyone else," she replied between sobs. "When we first met, I called you a trash and treated you badly. And now, Daichi is in jail because of something I did."

I reassured her that it wasn't her fault, and that everyone treated me poorly when we first met. I asked her why she quit school, and she told me that she had learned the truth about Daichi and his actions, and felt guilty for her own involvement.

"Please don't blame Daichi, he is just someone who was manipulated.", She said to me

"If Daichi isn't the one to blame, then who is?" I asked her.

"It's Ryuto," she said with anger in her voice. "He's the one who planned everything. Daichi told me the whole story when I visited him in the hospital.

During the Tanabata festival, Daichi proposed to Tsuki, but she rejected him. Ryuto found out and encouraged Daichi to do something to hurt her. But Daichi said no to that idea. He doesn't want to hurt Tsuki, but Ryuto continued to manipulate him.

That fateful day when Ryuto appeared in front of me, I was in for a surprise. I was dumbfounded as to how he knew about my feelings for Daichi. He seemed to know everything!

He then offered to help me win Daichi's heart, but with a catch. He asked me to manipulate Daichi into taking revenge on Tsuki for rejecting Ryuto. I was conflicted, but in the end, I agreed.

As I followed Daichi every moment during the school tour, I realized the heavy toll it was taking on our relationship. Daichi seemed to dislike my presence and avoided me at every turn.

But despite this, Daichi went through with my request and agreed to take revenge on Tsuki. I didn't know what kind of revenge Ryuto told Daichi to do, but as Tsuki's friend, I was worried. That's why I asked Tsuki for your email and sent you that message. I'm grateful to God that you were there to help." She paused to catch her breath.

Wait! So Kumori was the one who sent the email? That was completely unexpected, to be honest. Even though she did all of this, a part of her must have cared for Tsuki.

Without waiting for me to respond, she continued, 

"I know as grown ups, we should have never agreed to Ryuto. But that's what our school, Nakamura's bitch ass school has done to us. It boosted our egos, making us do whatever in sight to be that one star person. I am sorry" She added.

I think Ryuto hated Tsuki because of me, as he probably knew about my love for her. He wanted to hurt me by making Daichi hurt the girl I loved.

"I see," I said, still processing all the information. "So, Ryuto is the one behind all of this?"

"However, I now have a doubt," I said. "I don't mean to be rude, but you played a significant role in the story. But, only Ryuto and Daichi's names were known to Nakamura-san. Why wasn't your name included in the information he received?" I asked Kumori.

"When Nakamura-san found out, he called Ryuto to the hospital where Daichi was. He knew that Ryuto was involved. But, Ryuto claimed innocence and said that I was the one who forced Daichi. So, Nakamura-san then called me to the hospital," she replied, with a tearful voice. "I was ready to confess, but Daichi claimed that I had no involvement in the matter. Even though he hates me, he tried to save me. But I know the truth, that I was the one responsible. I should have been punished, but I wasn't. So, I punished myself.

I joined this school to fulfill my dreams, just like everyone else. But, I gave up on my dreams as a form of self-punishment. I haven't told my parents the real reason behind my decision," she added. "I tried to take someone else's dream and now, I am paying the price."

"I am so sorry. I feel terrible for what you've been through. What did you tell Tsuki? I know you always protected her," I asked.

"I can't bring myself to tell her the truth. I am scared. I have lied to her as well. I thought I was protecting her, but in reality, I was being selfish. I made her a target, so I don't think I am capable of protecting her anymore," she said, wiping away her tears. "But, she has someone who will always protect her. Someone who won't stop, even if it means bleeding. Thank you, Kousei, for protecting her. Thank you so much." With that, she unlocked and opened the door, leaving the room.

It was clear that Ryuto was the main culprit in this story. Although Daichi and Kumori were also involved, Ryuto was the source of all the trouble. Daichi got his punishment and Kumori punished herself by withdrawing from school. Well, that sight of Daichi and Yuki is still in my mind. But what if that also has some story. Maybe I should stop judging people blindly.

I believe that Daichi and Kumori deserve a second chance, and I hoped that they would get it.

"Kumori, I used to think of you as a bad person, but I am sorry. You have been through so much. I hope you can find happiness from now on," I said as I walked out of her room.

I was just realizing that Kumori was actually a beautiful girl. I wondered if my anger towards her was the reason I didn't see it earlier. But, now that I wasn't angry anymore, I could see it clearly.

My dad and I left Yamamoto's house and went back to our home.

Everything seems to be drawing toward an end. A part of me hopes my failed love story might twist and turn into a beautiful ending. Yet, time slips away, refusing to pause for me. Time never waits. Time waits for no one.

I had one more month until my final exams, and then my school life would come to an end.