10,000th U.S. soldier arrives in Saudi Arabia

A military transport aircraft was flying across the ocean to defend Kuwait. Shushert sat in the corner and waited for beer to be served.

In another corner, two Italians were molesting a recruit. When they got bored, they switched to Shushert.

"Hey, you! Do you know Mario?" they approached him. "Everyone in the Bronx knows Mario!"

"No! I know Maria!" he tried unsuccessfully to laugh it off.

"Look at this ferret!" Filippone said to his friend. "He knows your sister!"

"Well, take off your pants, you scoundrel!" Filippone's friend flipped out.

"Be careful, in his village I guess no one has heard of a bidet," said Filippone.

At this time, the aircraft shook violently during landing. The soldiers staggered out onto the runway.

Shushert crawled out last. He buried himself in someone's boots, he looked up and saw Leo.

"Hi, Leo!" Shushert exclaimed.

"I'm not Leo!" yelled the sergeant and kicked him into the jeep.

It was John Rockefeller.