Chapter 41: Alex's Mom

Amelia wasn’t as excited as Isabel. She was more nervous than anything else. This was the mother of the man who she had a one-night stand with. The grandmother of her child. She hadn’t spoken to Alex about who to tell about her pregnancy, but she couldn’t fault him for telling his mother.

The idea that she was to meet this woman who had raised Alex was making her anxious.

Isabel put a hand on her arm. “It’ll be fine. Grandma will love you.”

She appreciated Isabel’s support. “Thanks.”

“Seriously, Grandma is the best.”

“She’s your grandmother. Of course, she is. I’m a bit of an interloper in this situation.”

Alex turned around from the front seat. “I’ve told you. She’s excited about another grandchild. You’re in because of that.”

Amelia wasn’t convinced, but she fell into silence not wanting them to realize how nervous she was. It was silly in their minds, but it wasn’t her. She didn’t know this woman. This woman hadn’t asked Amelia to be in her life. She just was.