Chapter 42: Amelia Is Threatened

Amelia can’t believe the breakthrough she’d made. Henrik is standing over her computer.

“You’ve caught the hacker,” he said.

The joy she felt in breaking this hacker was dampened by the fact that Hillen Enterprises might not need her anymore. This was her specialty. She wasn’t a code monkey. She was a hacker. She wrote code to do specific purposes and it wasn’t gaming.

Henrik patted her on the shoulder. “You are amazing. Now we can start criminal proceedings.”

“I haven’t actually identified who they are. I’ve only found their IP address. It’s probably hidden behind anonymizers and such.”

“But you’ve gotten further than any of us.”

Amelia nodded but knew there was more to this. Of course, what she’d done was good and it got them closer to discovering who the hacker was.

Amelia was excited about what she’d accomplished, but not as excited as Henrik was.

“You need to go see Alex. We should celebrate all accomplishments.”