Death Announced!

"Okay, I'll make the call now."

Tang Dexin nodded and called Huang Tai'an.

The phone rang for a while before it was picked up. Tang Dexin put it on speaker.

"Director Tang, what's the matter?"

Huang Tai'an's voice sounded.

Tang Dexin said, "Divine Doctor Huang, I have a patient here who wants you to treat him."

Huang Tai'an said, "Oh? What patient? Tell me about the illness."

Tang Dexin didn't hesitate and told Huang Tai'an about Little Meng's situation truthfully.

After hearing Tang Dexin's words, Huang Tai'an pondered for a moment and said, "Dean Tang, if I make a move, I might be able to save that little girl's life.

However, it's probably impossible for me to completely cure her.

Moreover, even if she survived, that little girl would probably be be bedridden for life in the future.

However, if my master, Yang Luo, makes a move, he should have a high chance of completely curing that little girl."