Intentional Murder!

There was a long silence before he looked up again.

The entire ward immediately erupted.

"They're awake! Mr. Lei and the others are really awake!"

"Oh my god, this can't be real, right? The dead actually come back to life?!"

"Miracle… Divine Doctor Yang has created another miracle!"

"I can't imagine what illness in this world can stump Divine Doctor Yang!"

The doctors present exclaimed in shock.

"Good, this is great. As expected of my Master. His medical skills are superb!"

Han Shouli was extremely excited and cupped his fists tightly.

Tan Daoxian sighed and said, "What a real Divine Doctor. I've finally seen someone like that today."

Ma Xuanqing and Li Jingyuan were also full of admiration for Yang Luo and even thought of befriending him.

Only Li Haoyang stood there in a daze. There was no joy on his face.

He had already removed a silver needle, but why did this fellow still save him?