Creating Opportunities!

Yang Luo did not hide anything and told Su Qingmei about what happened three days ago.

However, Yang Luo deliberately hid what Li Haoyang had done to prevent Qingmei from worrying too much.

After hearing Yang Luo's words, Su Qingmei's beautiful eyes widened as she said in surprise, "Oh my god, you actually did so much today?

You managed to catch criminals and saved people. Looks like you're even busier than me."

Yang Luo said helplessly, "Perhaps this is what it means by 'with great power comes great responsbility'."

Su Qingmei teased, "Yes, yes, yes. You're the most capable person in the world. Do you think you're Superman and the entire world is waiting for you to save it?"


Yang Luo was caught between laughter and tears. He didn't expect her to crack a joke even at this time.

He shook his head and changed the topic, "By the way, Qingmei, it's almost six o'clock. Aren't you going to get off work?"