Overwhelming Popularity

At this moment, the various media and internet celebrities had already spread the news.

Jiang City's business world was in an uproar.

At a certain trading company.

"CEO Wang, the effect of a new facial mask developed by Hua Mei Biomedical is simply explosive. The effect can be seen in ten minutes. Should we order it first?"

"Yes, of course!"

"Then I'll call Hua Mei Biomedical now!"

"By the time you finish the call, all the goods have been snatched away. Prepare the car and quickly go to the event location to order the goods!"


At an e-commerce company.


The door of the general manager's office was forcefully opened!

A fatty rushed out of the office!

He quickly arrived at the office area, took a deep breath, and said loudly, "Everyone, just now, Hua Mei Biomedical released a magical facial mask. It only takes ten minutes to see an obvious effect!