Meet Personally

Yun Feng brought Jiang Tianlong and the other three to an ancient pavilion and stopped.

Be it Yun Feng or Jiang Tianlong, the four of them did not dare to disturb him. Instead, they stood by the ancient pavilion and waited quietly.

Half an hour passed like that.

Dongfang Ruoshui slowly turned around and looked over.

The moment she turned around!

Even though Jiang Tianlong and the other three had seen Dongfang Ruoshui more than once, they still felt amazed!

The woman looked delicate but did not do overly coy. She looked charming but not demonic. She looked gentle but not weak. She was proud yet not arrogant.

This was the truest portrayal of a woman.

At first glance, the woman looked like a big sister next door.

However, at the second glance, the woman gave off a powerful sense of oppression.

This was a natural aura formed from being in a high position for a long time.