Sudden Explosion!


Zhang Daoyi was stunned for a moment, "Could this guy be very young?"

Jiang Maolin replied, "He's indeed very young. He's probably in his early twenties."

"What?! In his early twenties?!"

Zhang Daoyi looked surprised, "Since this kid can resolve my 'Dark Yin Gathering Evil Curse' and even injure me, this is enough to prove that his spell techniques are very brilliant!

I don't believe that a kid in his early twenties can do this!"

Jiang Maolin sighed and said, "Priest Zhang, no matter how much you don't believe it, it's the truth.

Now, Luo Zhongyue has completely recovered."

"That's interesting."

Zhang Daoyi narrowed his eyes, and a hint of coldness appeared in them, "However, so what if this kid's spell techniques are powerful!

Not only am I a spell master, but I'm also a Martial Dao master. It's easy for me to kill this kid!"