God Ranking!

Prajna said, "Only the person who issued the bounty and the top organizations that control the dark web can remove the bounty."

"It seems that the method to find the mastermind on the dark web and remove the bounty will not work."

Yang Luo frowned and said unhappily, "But if the bounty is not removed, there will be an endless stream of assassins coming to kill me.

Although I'm afraid of these assassins, if I let them keep circling me like flies, it's still quite annoying.

By the way, Prajna, do you have any way to make those guys not dare to accept my bounty and not disturb me in the future?"

Prajna thought for a moment and said, "There's a way, but it's difficult to achieve."

Yang Luo said, "Tell me about it."

Prajna said, "Brother Yang, if you want those assassins to stop bothering you, you have to completely intimidate them!