Are You Here to Pick Me Up?

Yang Luo looked at the reporters and media again and said, "Reporters, media friends, just report what happened today truthfully. There's no need to hide anything!"

"Don't worry, little brother. We'll definitely report the matter truthfully!"

"Ding Sheng Biomedical's malicious competition is too shameless. We have to report it as a negative example!"

The reporters and media spoke up one after another. They were also won over by Yang Luo's methods.

Yang Luo smiled and said, "Thank you, everyone!"

"Assistant Yang, you're too polite."

The reporters and media smiled and left the company.

After the reporters and media left, the employees also dispersed.

Su Qingmei turned to look at Yang Luo and Prajna and was about to speak.

However, Prajna suddenly interrupted, "Sister Su, I can't hold it in anymore. I have to go to the bathroom!"

As she spoke, Prajna fled as if her soles had been greased.