Eldest Senior Sister, Be Gentle!

With a flip of her right hand, a golden rope appeared in her hand and she flung it at Yang Luo!

"Dragon Confinement Rope!"

Accompanied by a delicate shout!


The golden rope whistled out and swept towards Yang Luo!

"Dragon… Dragon Confinement Rope?!"

The corners of Yang Luo's mouth twitched, and he turned around and ran out of reflex.

However, Yang Luo only took a few steps before he came back to his senses.

Wait a minute!

Why was he running?

However, before Yang Luo could react, the Dragon Confinement Rope tightly wrapped around his body!

"Bastard, come here!"

Dongfang Ruoshui shouted and pulled Yang Luo back with her right hand.

However, just as Yang Luo was pulled back!

Yang Luo threw himself into Dongfang Ruoshui's arms and hugged her tightly. Like a child, he shouted in a choked voice, "Eldest Senior Sister!"

As he shouted, he snuggled into Dongfang Ruoshui's arms.